Luca tipped backward and wound up sitting on the edge of the bed.

Nox retreated, returning the space between them. “Sorry. I…” He what?

“Who’s Dr. Dante?”


“You said his name. Who is he?”

Nox shook his head. “Not sure. I think he worked for… for the same people I did?” Work felt like the wrong word, but it was the only one that made sense at the moment.

“You remembered something, then? What was it?”

Nox rubbed his arms. The tingling under his skin persisted. “A room, some other people in uniform, and a woman apparently in charge.”

“Uniforms, you mean like the military?”

“No.” Nox closed his eyes for a moment, trying to retrieve the image. “No, I’m pretty sure they weren’t.”

“Police, then?”

Nox chuckled. “Definitely not cops.”

Luca frowned. “But you remember the name Dr. Dante.”

“Seems so.” Too bad there wasn’t a face to go with it.

Luca worried his bottom lip. “Do you think…” He glanced at the door. “Do you think there’s a library around here?”

“What for?”

“Internet access. I could search the doctor’s name and see what we come up with.”

That would mean staying in one place longer than Nox was comfortable with. “How about we just buy a laptop, and when we’re back on the road, we can stop at a coffee shop with Wi-Fi.”

“That will work.”

“You know what you’ll need, right? Because I don’t know much about computers.”

Luca shrugged. “I know my way around.”

“Okay. Then when we leave tomorrow, we’ll stop somewhere and get a computer.”

“If we get cell phones with a data plan, we won’t even need somewhere with internet.”

“As long as they can’t be traced.”

“They have disposable smartphones at most of the electronics stores.”

“As long as you’re sure they can’t be used to track us.”

Luca grinned. “As paranoid as you are, maybe you were an international spy.”

Nox couldn’t say whether spies were involved or not, but he had a sinking feeling it was nothing as benign. He inclined his head toward the shower. “I’ll be out in a few. Remember to eat.”

Luca stood. The movement retracted some distance, and the tingling under Nox’s skin seared a path up his nerve endings.

He hissed.