Dekker removed the gun from the waist of his pants.

“Don’t.” Nox hit the glass. “Dekker, please, don’t.”

“You think I want to?” He laughed. “Trust me, I’d rather not. You have no idea how hard he’s going to be to replace. It’s not likeCanagrow on trees. The only good thing is if I can’t have him,theycan’t either.” Dekker flicked off the safety. “Still no idea how to give it up?”

Until Reese had said, Nox hadn’t realized he’d killed Koda. His Alpha. Someone who trusted him with the life of his brother.

An act Luca should have never forgiven him for, let alone hurt for Nox because he’d been burdened with guilt.

Guilt Luca refused to let Nox feel. Like Koda, Luca had erased the soul-crushing pain with the same effectiveness Nox had healed Luca’s wounds. The knowledge of what Nox had done was there, but in place of the self-hate, there was only the warmth of Luca’s presence.

A man who enabled Nox to find peace, to maintain as much control over the Anubis as possible. Even though every muscle in his body jumped with the effort, he was able to keep it from seizing control.

But control wasn’t what Nox needed right now. He needed a way to get out and do what he lived to do.

Failure simply wasn’t an option.

“I’m going to count to ten, Mr. Kelli. And if you don’t surrender the ichor, I’m going to kill your friend here.” He pressed the barrel of the gun to Luca’s temple

Tears burned Nox’s eyes. Hopelessness threatened to crush the air from his lungs. “Please….”

Dekker counted down.

“Nox.” Luca’s voice was so soft Nox thought he’d imagined it till Luca lifted his gaze. “Thank you.”

Images filtered into Nox’s mind. Every touch, every kiss, every pleasure, and all the joy in between. A lifetime for a man who’d never had a chance to live.

Sunlight and spring rains. Snowflakes against Nox’s cheeks. The earth under his feet. Air he breathed.

Nox realized then every part of Luca ruled him, not because of the Anubis, but because Nox allowed him too. There was nothing Nox wanted more than to grow old with Luca. To find comfort in his company. To take his final breath and slip away the moment he did.

Nox searched for any hint of the ichor’s presence. He had to find it for Luca. But no matter how much he tried, there was only the Anubis and nothing else. Frustration boiled out of Nox in a scream.

“Times up.”

Nox snarled. “You hurt him and—”

The sharp pop echoed.

Luca’s head kicked back, and a wash of crimson splattered Reese. Luca’s right arm jerked and one of his legs kicked before he fell still, hanging in Dekker’s grip.


Luca’s beautiful eyes stared at nothing.


His dark locks matted with clumps of gray matter.


The coat Reese had given him soaked up the flow of blood from the gaping hole in the side of his head.

Nox willed Luca to breathe. To look at him. To shed a tear. To give him some sign of life.

“Well, that was disappointing.” Dekker dropped Luca on the floor.

Nox stared. He prayed for him to wake up. But no amount of begging changed the present.