The spray of water sandpapered Nox’s shoulder. He left the towel on the floor and crawled into the bottom of the tub. Ice cold droplets turned into lazy plumes of steam against his flesh. Nox gripped his aching cock. The skin to skin contact sent a shudder down his body. He pumped his fist. If he could take the edge off, he wouldn’t do something stupid. Something wrong. Something that would break any trust Luca had with him, not to mention the trust of his brother.

Pain coiled around Nox’s chest. A surge rebelling against any pleasure trying to crest. There was no lying to the Anubis: it knew what it wanted and would punish him for obstructing it.

For denying it contact with whom it belonged to. For holding it back from tasting what it craved.

Nox had tried so hard not to be the unbridled monster with Koda like the others had been. Fighting the drive then had been like fighting it now, only there’d been Koda there to stop him from resisting.

Nox could do that now. He could let go. Embrace the darkness. Let it command him.

Devour him.

There would be no more guilt, fear, worry, or regret. Nox could take what he wanted whenever he wanted it. Whether it was as simple as the carnal hunger to bury his cock in Luca’s ass or as complex as bending the will of a multitude of men. It was Nox’s right. He was stronger than any of the others.

The agony flaying Nox’s insides lost the brutal edge. Desperate to encourage his body to ride the euphoria, he thought of Koda. The silk of his skin, the jump of his muscles, how he rippled with pleasure under Nox. Tightening around his cock, crying out, begging…

Would Luca sing as pretty?

Nox locked his free hand on the edge of the tub to keep from crawling out and stroked his cock faster. It was no longer Koda he thrust into and held down, but Luca.

Pleasure streaked down Nox’s legs, surging in a wave, crashing into his senses. His cock pulsed, spraying ropes of cum all over the side of the tub. With each shock of his release, the instinct to get to Luca faded until it left, and Nox collapsed.

Koda had sent Nox to protect his brother. Now, he might be just as much of a threat to Luca as the people hunting him.


Luca picked up a piece of pizza. The scent of garlic and fresh bread was normally welcomed, but tonight Luca’s stomach cringed in revulsion.

Was his expression anything like the one Nox had worn before he fled into the bathroom?

Luca cursed himself. Nox was a man who’d basically abducted him. Sure, it had been to save his life, but this was not the time to lust after someone. Besides, he knew nothing about him. Hell, Nox didn’t even know anything about himself.

Or so he claimed.

All the more reason for Luca to quit letting his thoughts curve in a sexual direction. If inappropriate timing wasn’t enough, then the fact the guy was way out his league should be.

But knowing you were going to die did strange things to a person. Luca had avoided the outside world for so long because of all the things he stood to lose, and now he was here, it made him want to do stupid shit.

Like bungee jumping, white water rafting, or knocking boots with a guy while running from mutant dog-wolf-things right out of a bad horror film.

He dropped the piece of pizza back into the box and grabbed a bottle of soda out of the bag. The TV remote sat on the narrow dresser directly under the flat-screen hanging on the wall. Luca picked it up and parked himself on the bed.

For such a shitty motel, the TV was nice. He turned it on and was greeted by an up-close view of a guy with his head between a woman’s legs.

Okay, that was not what Luca wanted to see even on a good day. He flipped the channel. Porn, porn, more porn, home improvement, weather, porn, news.

It was better than the porn but not by much.

The talking heads behind a curved desk exchanged comments about a few political arguments. A guest was introduced and hovered between them in a virtual box.

Luca drank his soda and leaned against the headboard. Nox had turned the heat up enough to chase back any chill. That meant it had to be pretty warm. Uncomfortably warm for most people.

Healthy people.

He touched the bruise on his arm. Yellow edged the patch of dark blue and black. Like a bruise a couple days’ old, not freshly made. Luca set his drink on the bedside table and flipped on the light.

He rubbed the spot, and there was no tenderness. Maybe he was mistaken, and it wasn’t a new one. He turned his arm to look at the circular marks left by Nox gripping him. Yellow edged those bruises as well. There was a good chance he could develop secondary cancers. Was the discoloration of bruises a sign?

At this point, did it really matter?