“He’s right, Jones,” Harrington said. “Explosives are not an option.”

He scowled. “Fine, but the others go. Connery, escort them out.”

The two scientists protested again. Their mumblings remained close to Reese’s ear even after they were no longer in sight.

“What did you find out about the lights?” Jones said.

There was a deep click followed by a hum. The overhead fluorescents blinked to life coating everything in a harsh white glare.

“They were busy with the cameras and forgot to flip the switch.” The colonel’s voice faded. Someone else spoke in the background up top, but the words were muffled.

Jones and one of his other men exited the foyer and swept the staircase. Reese waited until he was waved forward before following them down.

At the bottom near the entrance to elevator going up from level three to level two, a man dressed in overalls lay collapsed beside a plastic cart loaded with toilet paper, paper towels, cleaning sprays, and garbage bags. Did he have a family who would miss him? A twinge tightened in Reese’s chest.

A woman slumped against the wall to the left of the dead man, clutching a clipboard to her chest. Ballpoint pens fanned around her feet.

“Reese?” Harrington said.

He exhaled a shaky breath. “Yes, Colonel.”

“Cameras are back up. And we have a four-way view of the next room. There’s no sign of any hostiles.”

“Thank fuck,” Jones said.

“But it’s worse than what we thought. So prepare yourself.”

And what the hell could be worse than what Reese had seen on the tablet. He sucked in a breath. His exhale wheezed. The next inhale stalled, and he stumbled. Hands caught him, but he whirled away. Air, he had to have air. Reese clawed the hood of his HAZMAT suit. His arms were seized and pinned to his side.

“Do not take that off, Dr. Dante.” Jones tightened his hold. “Breathe. Just breathe.”

Reese fought the urge to struggle. It would only cost him precious oxygen. Another long moment and the muscles in his chest loosened, and a full breath filled his lungs, taking the black spots with it.

“I’m okay.”

Jones didn’t let go. “You sure you want to go in there?”

No, Reese wasn’t. “I’m okay. It was just a panic attack.”

“You have those often?”

“Yes, but it’s been a while since I had one that bad.”

“How long is a while?”

Reese turned his head, but the hood blocked his view of the man’s face. “Three years give or take.” The grip around Reese eased. “I’m good, I promise.” The hold on him disappeared.

Jones stepped back.

Reese smoothed down the edge of his hood. “Okay, I’m ready to open the door.” None of them look convinced. “I promise, I’m okay.”

They cleared the way. Reese was about to place his hand on the scanner when a voice broke the silence.

“This is Connery, I’m re-entering the stairwell now.”

Reese’s heart attempted to climb up his throat. If he panicked again, Jones would drag him out for sure. Then what? They’d blow the doors out? And if there were any betas down here, the aggression would trigger their defensive behaviors, and all of these men would die.

The doorway at the top of the staircase opened. Connery greeted his comrades with a nod as he reached the bottom.