“No, man, please. It’s my fault you lost your bucket.”

Luca snorted. “I’m beginning to think the wait isn’t worth it.”

“Eh, sometimes it has a generous moment and spits out a mouthful, but not having to drink lukewarm vodka makes it worth it.” He held out his hand. “Name’s Vic.”

Luca shook the offering. “Luca.” He put his bucket back under the dispenser and waited for it to resume dropping cubes. “I’m sorry this is taking so long.”

Vic smiled. “No problem. It’s not like I’ve got anywhere to go. I mean, I’ve got my liquor and iPod. A day off can’t get much more exciting than that. At least not in this town. That is unless you want to watch chicks jiggle their tits for cash.”

“You work here?”

“No. I rent by the month. It’s cheaper than the apartments in town, and the church people are only here Fridays and Saturdays.” Vic shrugged. “Small town, not much to do except get drunk and find god.”

“Yeah, I can see that.” Luca had grown up in a small town but had spent very little time around the locals. At least the nurses and doctors at the hospital had never seemed intolerant of people based on how they looked or what they believed in.

Luca glared at the machine in front of him. And just for spite, the damn thing went into another round of bump and grind.

Vic laughed. “Don’t feel bad, it could be worse.”

“Is that even possible?”

“Well, when it was a hundred degrees out, all you could hope for was a bucket of cold water to carry back to your room.”

“I guess that’s worse.” Luca bumped the top with his fist. “C’mon, I’d like to actually eat sometime tonight. By the time you get finished spitting out ice, the food Nox brought back will be cold.”

“Nox your date for the night?”

Luca had almost forgotten Vic still stood there. “No, no, he’s a…” What was he? “Friend. We’re just traveling together.”

“Hey, it’s cool. You do what you need to do to get a ride.”

“No, I promise it isn’t like that. We really are just friends.”

“A friend who brings you dinner and doesn’t expect anything in return. I need one of those.” And Vic sounded so sad when he said it.

The bucket made it to half-full and Luca picked it up. “That will be enough for the night.”

“You sure? I don’t mind waiting.”

“Yeah. I get any more it’ll just melt.”

Vic stepped up to the dispenser, and Luca headed for the door.

“Hey,” Vic said.

Luca paused.

“You know, if you ever want to go shoot some pool or something, hit me up. I’m in two-twelve. The bar is a little overly country, but they have a nice pool room.”

“Not sure I’d be very good.”

“Then I’d have a fighting chance.” Vic smiled and Luca couldn’t help but smile back.

“I’ll think about it.” He returned to the room. Nox pulled up in the van just as he unlocked the door.

“Sorry, it took so long.” He got out carrying two bags with multiple Styrofoam containers.

“How much do you think we’re going to eat?” There had to be enough food for five people. Luca held open the door.