Luca nodded. “Yes.”

Vic tightened his grip and twisted his hand. The change in rhythm snapped any hold Luca had left. He cried out, and Vic devoured the sound. Wet heat slid over Luca’s cock, then Vic’s cock jumped, and another wash of warmth covered Luca’s skin.

Vic worked Luca’s mouth until both of them were gasping. “You sure you want to do more?” Vic brushed his lips over Luca’s. “I want to, but if you…”


Vic lifted his hand. The sticky mess they’d left behind glistened in the low light. Vic licked his thumb, then his finger. “You taste good.”

Luca laughed, then he leaned closer, holding Vic tighter.

Vic pulled his briefs back up, then fixed Luca’s. “We don’t want to flash anyone on the way back.”

Luca took Vic’s hand.

The pleasant high left behind from release turned frigid. Static crawled under Luca’s skin and drilled needles into his bones.

“Luca?” Vic put a hand on Luca’s shoulder. Just beyond the edge of the breezeway stood a black shape. Wicked teeth sprung from its gaping jaws. Long legs with finger-like toes held up its massive body. A slight curve to its spine countered the deep drop of its chest. And its eyes were some shade of yellow mixed with green.

Now the monster had a name. Anubis.

Vic turned. “Holy fuck, what the hell is that?” He pulled Luca with him out of the shadows in the direction of the other exit.

A second creature blocked the way.

Luca shoved Vic into the ice maker room and shut the door.


“Stay! They’re after me. Just stay, stay here, please.”

The doorknob rattled.

“Please, Vic.” Luca turned it all the way into the locked position and held it to keep Vic from working the knob from the inside. “Please, they’ll kill you. Please, just stay.”

Growls echoed off the walls, and the creatures flowed closer, the sway of fur, the scrape of their claws on the concrete ticked off the seconds.

“Let me out.” Vic beat on the door, but Luca didn’t release the knob. “Luca, please…”

“They’ll kill you. Just stay. Swear to me you’ll stay no matter what.”

The one on Luca’s right crouched. He wanted to look away, but the impossibility of the creature’s presence held his attention. Luca was going to die. Right here, right now.

Then the Anubis behind Luca screamed. There wasn’t even a blur of movement—Nox held it by its neck. The Anubis twisted in Nox’s grip, and he shoved his fist down its throat. It chewed, shredding the flesh and muscle of his arm, and he slammed it into the wall. The stonework buckled, and bits of brick rained down, pelting Luca’s arms. Nox let go of the Anubis’s neck and seized its muzzle.

He flexed his shoulders, the seams of his T-shirt split, and the hard lines of his muscles threatened to come through his skin. The Anubis thrashed, and Nox yanked his hands wide. A hard crack gave way to the wet sound of tearing flesh. Black fluid splashed on the concrete as Nox separated the top half of the Anubis’s head from its bottom jaw, then tore the entire skull free of its spine.

The other Anubis leaped, clearing the space over Luca, plowing into Nox, knocking him backward.

A shadow caught Luca’s attention. The third Anubis had been invisible under the cover of night. Its gaze locked on Luca, and he did the only thing he could.



“Don’t stop.”

Luca’s gaze burned with need. Skin flushed, lips swollen, the sight of him alone was enough to undo Nox.