“They must have called someone to come examine the Anubis. They’re wearing HAZMAT suits and putting up some kind of tent.”

The two cops stood shoulder to shoulder, watching them erect the temporary structure, while more walked around the parking lot, their cars blocking off most of the spaces in front of the room.

“I think I can get by them.”

“No. I’ll go.”

Luca narrowed his eyes at Nox. “While you might have overlooked the fact you’re naked, I can guarantee you they’ll notice.”

“If they catch you…”

It wasn’t himself Luca feared for, it was the fool who would try to take him.

The shadows in eyes Nox’s darkened for a moment.

“We can’t stay in here. And you will definitely get caught.”

Nox searched Luca’s face, then moved his arm from around his waist. Luca slid down the seat, unaware of how close his position put his face to Nox’s cock until he was there.

Luca reached back and opened the door just enough to ease out of the car. Gravel shifted under his tennis shoes as he crouched.

The cops and onlookers continued to move about.

He pushed the door to. No one turned in his direction as he slipped behind the dumpster.

Luca used the bar as cover to make a wide arch around the parking lot. He came out on the far end of the road. He stuck his hands in his pockets and calmly walked up the shoulder until the motel was on his left.

A few people glanced his way, but most craned their necks to get a look at the destruction. Luca took out his room key. The officer standing beside one of the barriers turned his head. Luca dropped his gaze and slipped the key card through the slot. Once inside, he rushed through the room, shoving everything he could into one of the duffle bags. He crammed the money in the bottom and covered it with the clothes. There was just enough space for the computer. He stuck the cell phones in the side pockets.

Was there anything else? He took the plastic container with the selection of shampoos, soaps, and lotions and emptied them into the zipper pouch on the end of the duffle bag. Just in case they couldn’t stay at another hotel, they’d have something to clean up with at a truck stop.

A knock sounded at the door.

Luca froze.

“Sir, this is the police, I need you to step outside so I can ask you a few questions.” The cop knocked again.

“Hang on.” Luca put the bag out of sight on the other side of one bed, then answered the door, opening it enough to rest his shoulder on the edge, looking as casual as possible, and still block the man’s view into the room.

“Yes, sir?”

The cop nodded in the direction of the crime scene. “Did you see anything that happened last night?”

“Uh, no.”

The cop raked a look over Luca’s clothes. “Where were you around eight o’clock?”

“I was helping a friend most of the night with his car. He broke down at the bar.”

“Oil leak?”


“He park in the mud?”

“No. I had to climb under it with a flashlight to find out where the leak was.” He shrugged. “Hazards of being the short guy.”

The cop’s gaze lingered at Luca’s temple. “Might want to get that cut looked at.”