“Yeah, which is a pretty good indication he didn’t have much love for New World Genetics, and he might be willing to talk to us.”

“You don’t even know if he knows anything.”

“That’s why we’ll ask.”

Nox shook his head. “It’s too dangerous.”

“We can call him.”

“No, Luca, we can’t risk it.”

Luca tightened his jaw. “Then what do we do? Just keep going north to some place you don’t even know where?”

Nox rubbed his temple.

“This guy could answer a lot of questions. Hell, maybe he could even help you.”

“How?” A vee pinched Nox’s eyebrows together.

Luca shrugged. “I don’t know, but it’s better than running.” Sadness and worry filled Luca, and he knew it wasn’t his own.

Nox rested his elbow on the window. “Do they have showers here?”

“The sign at the entrance said they did.”

“How about we go find out.”

“You’re changing the subject.”

Nox nodded. “Yeah, I am.”

Luca returned the computer to the back. The movement knocked loose the grit clumped in the waistband of his underwear. Luca grimaced. “Okay, you win. A shower.”

When he looked up, Nox grinned. “What’s wrong? A little dirt is good for you.”

“I have mud dried in my ass crack. And this,” Luca picked at the black under his nails. “This isn’t dirt. +I don’t know what it is, but it’s disgusting.” Hopefully, hot water and soap would take it off.

Nox handed Luca a towel from the back. “You said you grabbed some soap.”

“Yeah, right here.” Luca scooped up a handful of containers and tossed them into the fold of his towel, then added clean clothes to the bundle he held.

Nox tucked his towel under his arm and got out.

Luca fell in beside him. Leaves skittered across the ground. The same wind kissed goosebumps down Luca’s arms. He shivered despite a coat and a sweatshirt. Nox wore sweatpants and nothing else. Not even…

Luca was pretty sure it was the first time he’d seen good-looking feet. “You’re going to have to buy new shoes.” And toes. No one had straight toes. The scar running across the top of Nox’s left foot only enhanced their perfection.

Nox said something Luca missed.


“I said I’ll stop when I see a place.”

Good, because Luca couldn’t stop ogling the man’s feet. His feet for crying out loud. Luca meant to stop staring but wound up following the slope of Nox’s calves and thighs, where they pushed at the fabric of the sweatpants. That wasn’t the only thing creating an outline in the material. Even soft, the man’s cock tried to crawl down his thigh.

And Luca was about to walk into the shower with him, where both of them would be naked.
