‘No…I’m an old-fashioned guy. This is the wedding night we missed out on. Just lie there and allow me to drive you out of your mind with pleasure.’

‘Hmm…’ Prudence ran her full mouth in a gentle foray over his strong brown throat and liked the contact and the taste of him so much that she repeated it with the tip of her tongue and the occasional nip of her teeth.

Shuddering in reaction beneath that artless onslaught of encouragement, Nik groaned. ‘You’re driving me wild.’

‘It’s my wedding night, too,’ she whispered, skimming her toes down over the backs of his calves, full of leaping sexual energy.

Nik closed both hands over hers and held her captive while he gazed down at her with shimmering dark golden eyes. She looked at him with dark dilated pupils and let the tip of her tongue sneak out to wet her full lower lip.

‘You’re a witch.’ Nik claimed her inviting lips with savage urgency, before spreading her beneath him and working his erotic passage down over her squirming body to ensure that her response to him more than equalled his to her.

When he finally traced the delicate folds at the heart of her body, she shivered violently with the hot, sweet pleasure of his caresses. The tightness deep within her became a taut, spiralling knot of desire. Her entire being, her every breath, seemed to ride on his slightest touch. Her heartbeat raced and she writhed and moaned, all control vanquished by the fierce need that made her ache. She wanted him, and she wanted and she wanted until the wanting was a frantic and ferocious craving that hurt.

Only then did he plunge into her with a single thrust of possession that jolted her with intense erotic sensation. That very intensity overwhelmed her. His hands closed to her thighs to raise her so that he could sink deeper into her tight passage. Hot, drugging pleasure engulfed her and it went on and on and on. Wild sobs of excitement escaped her. Her unbearably tense body craved release from the passionate torment of his driving rhythm. The tension built and built and then finally spilt over. With a broken cry she jerked and shivered at a peak of ecstasy that surpassed her every hope. The sweet, drowning pleasure hit her in wave after wave of joyful, quivering relief.

In the delirious aftermath she studied the strong, hard planes of his darkly handsome face and glowed inside and out with love and happiness. She held him close, smiling as he brushed his lips over her brow and returned her embrace. Such happy contentment was new to her. Wary thoughts and misgivings threatened in the back of her mind but she fought them off, determined to make the most of her bliss. For now, Nik was hers, her husband, her lover, hers alone. What did it matter if it was to prove to be just one stolen moment in time? Did she want to turn into a dreary, bitter woman who always expected the worst to happen?

‘That was…astonishing, pethi mou,’ Nik muttered raggedly, distinctly disconcerted by that truth and his own inability to explain just why sex had never been so good before. He struggled to comprehend that mystery. She was hot-blooded and so was he. She was also his wife. Was it possible that that knowledge had added some strange extra dimension? His frown line deepened, distinct unease developing, for such introspection was not a habit of his.

Prudence smiled as he crushed her to him with almost clumsy affection. He was amazingly appealing, she reflected, running loving fingers gently through his tousled black hair.

‘You’re so passionate.’ Nik stretched lazily, enjoying the confident way she touched him. ‘Yet so tranquil. We are going to have a fantastic honeymoon, Mrs Angelis.’

Prudence tensed. ‘A honeymoon? You never mentioned that-’

‘It’s a surprise. Why do you think I’ve been so busy the last few weeks?’ Nik continued to indolently wind a long chestnut strand of her hair round his forefinger. ‘I had to clear a space for us to spend time together-’

Prudence was startled by the rush of anger that the mere mention of that word ‘honeymoon’ induced in her; she had never forgotten Cassia’s cruel crack about that lack on her wedding day. Her pride stung as much as though he had slapped her and she shook her hair free of his hand. ‘I can’t possibly leave the sanctuary-’

‘Of course you can. Why do you think I insisted that you take on a competent employee?’

Her temper flared at that arrogant assertion. ‘You can say what you like, but I’m not leaving my animals to go off on some stupid honeymoon!’

‘Oh, yes, you are,’ Nik delivered. ‘Had we had the same opportunity eight years ago, we would have been forced to sort out the misunderstandings and we would have had a viable marriage by the end of it. This time around we’re doing everything by the book-’

‘I’m sorry, but you can’t rearrange my life that way. Sometimes being a responsible person entails making unselfish choices.’

Nik groaned out loud at that lofty declaration.

‘And you know it does. Why else did you marry me eight years ago? Why else did I marry you?’

‘Isn’t it time we dispensed with the polite fiction that you had as little choice in that event as I had?’ Nik enquired with lethal cool.

Prudence sat up, clutching the sheet to her full breasts. ‘What are you trying to say?’

‘You married me because you were hot for me…Let’s not pretend that marrying me was any great sacrifice for you at the time!’

Prudence blinked and then lifted her lashes on shattered blue eyes. ‘You are so full of yourself. That’s not fair and you know it. I didn’t have a choice. My grandfather refused to help my mother unless I married you.’

His winged ebony brows snapped together. ‘Theo was to help your mother? How?’ he queried. ‘What are you talking about?’

‘You always behave as though you gave up more than me. But I only agreed to marry you because my mother was an alcoholic in serious debt. She was drinking herself to death and rehab was her only hope-’

Thrusting back the bedding with a measured hand, Nik sprang out of bed and studied her with frowning intensity. ‘Start at the beginning of the story…you said that Theo refused to help Trixie.’

‘As you should know, something for nothing is not his style. He said he couldn’t care less whether my mother lived or died. Unfortunately we needed his money to pay off her debts and put her into rehab. The price he demanded in return was that I marry you!’

‘I didn’t know…I swear I didn’t know.’ Nik’s lean, strong face had set into hard, forbidding lines. ‘Why didn’t you tell me that you were under that kind of pressure?’

It was Prudence’s turn to be taken aback. ‘You really didn’t know?’

‘How could I know what nobody bothered to tell me?’ Nik demanded fiercely.

‘But you didn’t ask…I just assumed you knew…I mean, I knew about your family’s financial problems. But you didn’t discuss that with me and, well…I wasn’t in any more of a hurry to talk about the mess my mother was in,’ she protested.

‘I had heard that your mother had abused alcohol in the past, but by the time I met her she was almost an invalid and she was no longer drinking. I was not aware that her problems had been so recent, or that Theo didn’t take full financial responsibility for her before our marriage.’

‘He despised Trixie. All we ever got from my father’s side of the family was the right to live at the farm. Don’t get me wrong…over the years I learned to be very grateful for that security.’ Prudence was marvelling that Nik could have remained in ignorance of the true facts behind their marriage for so many years without either of them appreciating the fact. Yet even as she grasped that reality, her defensiveness was replaced by a sudden surge of cringing dismay. ‘Hold on a minute…you actually thought that I was so infatuated with you that I was willing to grab the first chance I got to marry you?’

Nik was stunned by the discovery that she had been as much of a victim of circumstance as he had been when they first married. ‘Ne…yes,’ he admitted in Greek. ‘What else could I think?’

Prudence turned white with raging humiliation. ‘So, in essence, you did think that my grandfathe

r had bought me a husband. That I was so desperate I would take you on any terms!’

Sleek, dark and spectacular in a white shirt and beautifully cut chinos, Nik extended a lean brown hand and drew her to him. ‘Don’t stop eating,’ he urged huskily. ‘From this vantage point, I feel like I’ve died and gone to heaven. More can only mean sexier.’

Registering that his shamelessly intent gaze was welded to the creamy prominence of her overly abundant bosom, she shot him a look of incredulity. ‘Nik!’

‘I can’t help it,’ Nik confessed with an earthy grin of appreciation that made her heart lurch, ‘I love your body. It’s wonderfully voluptuous.’

That fatal word made Prudence think of a woman of generous proportions in a Rubens painting, but she said nothing. If there was anything she had learned, it was that Nik genuinely could not keep his hands off her and that had done wonders for her self-esteem. Whenever a dangerous little voice in her subconscious tried to suggest that Nik’s over-active libido might explain her apparent irresistibility she refused to listen. She was determined to maintain a positive attitude. She decided that when she went home, however, she would quietly embark on a diet that would take her back down to her usual size again.

Nik curved his arms round her and pulled her back into the shelter of his big, powerful frame. Smiling, she rested back against him. The terrace had a fabulous view of the rolling hills. Dense woods of oak, cedar and black cypress gave way to lush green lines of fruitful vines and billowing fields of golden corn. The sky was a deep sapphire blue. Mellow terra-cotta roofs topped the ancient stone buildings that clung to a distant hilltop in the hauntingly lovely landscape.