Chapter Ten

“So sexy was out of the question, and now you’ve got me blindfolded. You know this surprise is kind of freaking me out. I don’t know what to expect,” Rebecca said. She touched the silk, and wondered if it was kinky. “Are you taking me to some weird kink show where you’re going to spank in front of a load of men?”

Jackson laughed. “Babe, your imagination is running wild. I mean it. No. This has nothing to do with sex, or anything kinky. Everything will become clear.”

She sighed, and dropped her hand into her lap. “Bella called me yesterday. I’ve been invited to dinner.”

“Alaric stopped by the office. I accepted.”

“Me, too.”

Silence fell between them, and she wondered what he was thinking. It had been a week since they had been away. She wished they could go back to Italy and forget everything else in their life. Of course that would never happen. There was so much she wanted to do, and first she had to tell her parents that she quit. They would do that disappointed act, which would upset her, and she didn’t want that. They were her parents, and as much as she hated them, she also loved them.

They were her parents, and she hoped they wanted her happy above everything else.

“I told Alaric.”

“You told him about us?”

“Yes. He’s not going to tell Bella. Not yet anyway. I should be pissed that he even threatened to tell my daughter about us until I’m ready.”

“He loves her, and he wants the best for her.” She still hadn’t told Jackson how she felt. They had long gone past sex and fucking. It had been a couple of months since their first time together. He didn’t ignore her when she on her monthly cycle. In fact, Jackson was so sweet. He’d make her hot chocolate, feed her ice cream, and even rub her stomach if she was in a great deal of pain. He was sweet like that.

The car turned, and she didn’t have a clue where they were or even where they were going.

“You know this is kind of kinky right? Men blindfold women and have their wicked way with them all the time.”

“I know, but I don’t need to blindfold you to get that.”

She burst out laughing. “Are you telling me I give in too quickly?”

“Not at all. You make me work for it.” He took her hand, and the first touch made her jump.

“Don’t do that. Blindfolded person here. I can’t see.”

“It’s a good job we’re not going to a place that is infested with spiders.”

“I wouldn’t speak to you for the rest of the year.” She hated spiders.

“That is a long time to be angry at me.”

She blew a raspberry. “I don’t like spiders, okay? They creep me out. They have long legs, small bodies, and some of them are furry. What is that all about? Furry? I don’t get it.”

He laughed, a deep throaty laugh that warmed her up inside.

“You are a hoot to be with.”

The car slowed down, did a couple of turns, and then stopped. “Hold on.”

A door opened, and she was going by sound now, and nothing else. Listening for him, she waited. The door beside her opened, and he helped her out.

“I don’t want you going through life hating what you do. I think you have so much potential, and so much to share with the world.” He moved her straight ahead.

“Do I still need the blindfold?”

“For now. Hold on.” He released her, and she heard the jingle of keys. She had no idea where she was or what he was doing. His hands were on her arms, and they were moving forward. “The moment I saw this place, I knew it would be perfect.”

“A perfect place? Please, tell me more.”