“You’re together?” Bella said at dinner.

They were in Alaric’s penthouse apartment, the scent of chicken heavy in the air.

Jackson stared at his girl where she looked at Rebecca.

“We didn’t plan this, Rebecca,” she said. “Honestly, it just happened.”

He ran his arm across her shoulders. “I love her, sweetheart. Can you at least be happy for us?”

Bella stared at the two of them.

“I need some fresh air.”

Alaric stood, and Bella waved him off.

“This is me,” Jackson said, getting to his feet.

He followed after his daughter. Alaric’s apartment had access to the rooftop, and he found Bella pacing near a small bench.

“I know you’re upset.”

“I don’t know what the hell to think, Dad. She’s my best friend. You’re telling me that you’re in love with my best friend. Rebecca. My best friend.”

Jackson stood waiting. He knew Bella just needed time.

“I can’t process this right now. I don’t get it. Is this because I asked you not to be with someone younger than you?”

“You’re Rebecca’s best friend. You know how amazing she is. You know she’s a wonderful woman. I fell in love with her, and it wasn’t about sex.”

“Eew, gross, Dad.”

He laughed. “I want you to be happy for me. I’m not going to be gross around you. Rebecca and I waited to tell you in case this didn’t go anywhere. We’ve both been worried about upsetting you, and hurting you.”

Bella stopped, folded her arms, and stared at him. “I guess it’s a good time to tell you that I’m pregnant. I’ll be giving birth in a few months.”

Jackson paused, and looked at her stomach. He hadn’t even put two and two together. “You’re pregnant?”

“Yes. You’re going to be a granddad. I didn’t want to tell you until we were out of the problem zone, and then I’ve not seen you for a long time. Telling you over the phone was always wrong.” She placed her hands on her stomach. “You’re going to be a granddad.” She repeated the same words, and he was in shock.

He opened his arms, and she ran into his arms. Wrapping them around her, he held Bella tight.

“I love you, Bella. Nothing is going to change, okay? Nothing. I love Rebecca, and you know that you love her as well.”

“I know. I’m going to be doing a hell of a lot of teasing when we go back inside, you know. She can’t get away for long without it.”

He chuckled. “Still, don’t be too hard on her.”

“I won’t. Is she pregnant?”

“No. She’s not.”

“That sucks. We could have both been pregnant together. Will you marry her?”

“Yeah, I think I will.” He winked at her, knowing he would.

Jackson was a good businessman. He knew when he’d found gold, and with Rebecca that was exactly what he found.

Entering Alaric’s apartment, he saw Rebecca was trying not to freak out. She looked from him to Bella.