Page 108 of The Prodigal Twin

“Baby, it’s okay. None of those matters. It doesn’t matter.”

My body seeks his heat even more now than ever, and I don’t want to let go again. “It’s not okay,” my voice breaks. “I lost our baby. I’m so sorry, I should’ve protected it. I didn’t mean to. I should have just held on. I shouldn’t have attacked you, no.” I shake my head. “Him. Just him, not you. Not my husband.”

“Everie,” Walt’s voice sounds like it’s straining to keep it together and when I look up at him, tears are falling down his face, which makes me want to hold him back.

I wrap my arm around him and hold on to him as much as I can as I cry because of everything. I cry because I almost didn’t make it. I lost such a precious thing that could’ve been the best thing that ever happened to us and most of all, I almost lost Walt.

“I can’t do this without you, Walton. Don’t die. Please, don’t die.” I cry harder, my body shaking from the realization that I’m alive.

“I won’t ever leave you alone in the world, Everie. I’m not going to. I love you. I love you so much and I’m so grateful that you’re alive. Never apologize for something out of your control. Never do that shit again. I won’t let you fucking blame yourself for what you didn’t know about. Don’t you dare.” Walt says to me, and I look up at him once again. I reach out, trying to wipe his tears.

Walt carefully wipes my tears with the back of his hand as he looks at me. He says nothing for a while, and he just gazes at me. “I know, I know… I stare too much.”

This makes me hug Walt tighter. Once again, I’m here and I have a bigger attestation to that. I saved myself. I really did it.