Page 115 of The Prodigal Twin

“If Walton Cambridge can’t do anything else, its pilot a yacht and fuck.”

“I didn’t ask if you could fuck,” she countered.

“Not verbally, but your body is questioning me.”

I moved further in the yacht to start it and move us farther into the lake. It wasn’t surprising that she followed me. We seemed to enjoy being in each other’s space. I looked back because I thought I heard a thud, but I didn’t hear it again.

“You’re one of those?”

Her question brought my attention back to her and confused me; I didn’t know what she meant.

“One of who?”

“One of those people who refers to yourself in the third person.”

“Ah, that. Only when I’m being doubted.”

She ran her fingers over my knuckles when she asked the next question. “Why only when you’re being doubted?”

“Because” I begin as I navigate us towards the center of the lake. “People must fucking be talking about someone else. There is no way I’m being doubted, so it’s a correction. Then we both know who we’re talking about; just in case.”

She laughed, and I found I loved the sound and wanted to keep making her laugh.

“As for adventure, I’m in need of a companion for my trip to Morocco. Behave and I might invite you.”

Not waiting for an answer, I turn up the radio so I can concentrate.

“Oh, I love the message of this song,” she exclaimed. “It’s perfect for being under the stars.”

She sang the first verse of Diamonds and I stopped hearing Rihanna after the first few sentences. Everest had a beautiful voice that was nothing less than mesmerizing. I stopped once I was in the desired spot. She was lost in the song and turned in a circle while looking up at the sky while she sang the chorus.

I hummed part of the second verse, then started singing the words I knew. She turned her surprised face in my direction, but I pulled her into a kiss. We’ve gone long enough without one and I wanted her to back up all the shit she talked. She falls into the kiss. Her eagerness pulled a moan out of me. Fuck, I loved the way she unapologetically pursued me. Even during the kiss, her hands explored my body, displaying how much she wanted what I was offering even before I offered. It was the kind of behavior that’d have me addicted.

I felt the air on my ass as my shorts dropped to my ankles, she followed them just to see the tattoo I said I had. I grunted when she kissed it softly. Everest was acting like the kind of woman I’d marry. It was terrifying that I wasn’t bothered by having such a notion after knowing her for about an hour.

Pushing it out of my mind, I spent a good portion of the night trying to break her pussy.

One of the moments from our fuckfest kept replaying in my head.

“I think I’m in love,” she moaned.

Her statement caught me off guard, pulling a laugh out of me. The most surprising part was my lack of trepidation about her excited utterance. Instead, I answered her.

“Fuck me like you love me then.”

I didn’t know if my emotions were skewed because of the state of my life or if she really made such an impression on me. There was only one way to find out for real. More time. Plus, although she teased me between one of our fucks about my speech, I need to find a way to tell Moonlight we’re not getting back together without offending her. She is my best friend and doesn’t deserve to be disrespected, but I think she and Whit can have something we’ll never have.

Everest’s humming pulled me out of my thoughts.

“That’s my shirt,” I told her with a smirk as she buttoned it over her body.

I hated it was being taken from my view, but we needed to get back to shore where I planned to continue our night.

“Well, someone ripped mine,” she told me with a pointed look.

“Someone begged me to fuck them after popping my cock out of their mouth.”

I grabbed her by the chin and dropped a rough kiss on her mouth. Her grin earned her another kiss until her stomach growled.