Page 129 of The Prodigal Twin

My unexpected joke pulls a laugh out of him, and I join. There were moments where it felt like we’d never laugh together again. My brain shifts back to the reason I came. Even though I know the sadness is clearly a thing of the past, the fact that I played any part in hurting my brother still irks me. The sudden sadness on my face confuses him, but I pull him into a tight hug.

“What’s wrong?” His question is muffled; I’m hugging him longer than he expected.

I take a deep breath to keep my emotions steady. “I just hate that I kept a secret from you for so long. I just honestly didn’t know how to tell you.”

“Walt, it’s in the past… wait,” he pulls out of my embrace so we can look me in the eye. “You remember?”

I lift my arms and sing, “Walton’s back, alright!”

He snorts and rolls his eyes. I used to purposely put my name in place of “Backstreet” just to annoy him.

“That’s great,” he says, completely ignoring my singing. “Was it that therapy they did where you were unavailable for a whole day?”

“Yeah, something like that. I had to remember things on my own first. That’s why they couldn’t do it years ago because I was blank.”

“How do you feel?”

“Whole, but I’m still processing the stuff you’ve had four years to process.”

He nods, thoughtfully. “Yeah, losing you put things into focus. I know you’d never hurt me on purpose, and I knew you weren’t having an affair with a woman we both hated. The only reason we fought was because you’d kept that secret for a year. I understood because I didn’t know how to tell Rowe and without you, I was lost for a while.”

“I should have just said it. That’s what you had to do eventually, right? Just say it and figure out the rest after. The three of us could have that time. I could have gotten Anika out of your life sooner. She probably wouldn’t have a chance to attack me…”

“Walt, we can’t do what could have happened, and I don’t want to either. I want to continue…” he paused as his brain caught up. “Hold on, it’s confirmed. She tried to kill you?”

“Both of us, it seems. Me first and you, years later. It was how Everest said. I met her that night. Anika didn’t like it. She watched us fuck for most of the night, then drugged my whiskey. Whatever it was, was so strong it was hard to move. She hit me repeatedly with an oar and then my whiskey bottle while I shielded Everest. I found some way to fight the drug long enough to knock out Anika. Then Everest dragged me into the water. It must have been when I blacked out, because I don’t remember anything until after my coma.”

“Fuck, just when I didn’t think I could hate her more than I do.”

“It’s a shame. Everest and I made such a connection. I was ready to run away with her, even invited her to Morocco and wherever else I planned to go that month just for us to spend the next few years with no recollection of each other.”

Moonlight’s appearance pulls our attention to her. She’s looking at me with a hurt expression, making me realize what I just told Whit.

“Moonie, baby. We weren’t together. I know it makes me sound like an asshole, but I knew before I met Everest that we weren’t getting back together. In fact, not that it matters because you’re already pregnant. I wanted to tell you two with the confidence of my full memory that I wholeheartedly support this union. Honestly, my disappearance saved me from a severely awkward conversation.”

She folds her arms and looks at me with a body full of attitude. “That’s it. That’s the look I was avoiding. You would have tried to fight me. I’m so serious. I was trying to find a way to tell you to hook up with my married brother.”

Her eyes grow big, and I hold up my hands. “No lie. Every time I tried to find a delicate way to say it, I’d grimace and say, ‘Moonlight is going to fight me.’ This, I point between both of them, is what I wanted. So glad you two figured that out.”

Whit moves closer and puts his palm over my mouth. “Bro, just… shhh.” I can hear the amusement in his tone. “If I ever doubted that you had your memory back, this would have proved it.”

It somehow makes Moonlight laugh, which makes me feel better. I hold out my arms in a silent hug request. She frowns but walks into my arms. Whit removes his hand so I can return the hug. I sigh, contently. I really do love her and want the best for her; Whit is that.

“We all know I’m impulsive, but I really tried to think this one out. I felt like you two belonged together and I was in the way.” I let her go and smile. “Now, you can repay me for my wisdom.” I wave my hand over the counter. “Okra, tomato sauce, shrimp, sausage, and all the other ingredients you need to give me some creole goodness.”

When she punches me in the stomach, I grunt. “I’m happy to see your annoying ass again. I’m only going to make it because I’m happy you’re you again. But when your niece or nephew comes out, we will fight.”

I grab the side of her face and give her one of those annoying cheek kisses that make her laugh. I get my laugh and an elbow to the chest.

Whit is smiling, but he is a Cambridge through and through. “Keep your lips off my woman. You don’t want me kissing Everest.”

“But you did. At least my kiss was to the cheek. Speaking of which, I’m about to go pick her up.”

The doorbell rings in the middle of my retreat and I open it to find Grace on the other side. I pull her into a hug because I haven’t seen her in a long time.

“Hey, Walt. How are you?”

“Good. I now have my memory back,” I announce as I let her in. “Whit, your nerd is here.”

Grace pushes me out of the way. “I know you and Whit are badass fighters, but I’m a doctor who knows non-violent and non-lethal ways to hurt you.”

I groan. “Ohh, if we weren’t married, I’d swear you’re offering me a good time.”

“Boy!’ She says in a high-pitched voice laced with humor. “Get out of my face.”

“Okay, I’m out,” I call out to Whit. “I love you all, even though your women are abusive.”

We’re all laughing when I close the door.

It’s good to be me again.