Page 131 of The Prodigal Twin


It grows silent in the car because I know that something is bothering him, but I don’t want to push. It feels weird to be on the other side of it, which makes me chuckle. I shake my head because of the irony of it all. I see why Walt wanted to shake me for not being forthcoming. You know something is bothering your partner, but unless they tell you themselves, you can’t ever know. It sucks.

“What’s funny?”

“Just the irony of me knowing something is bothering you and you saying yup to everything is good. Makes me realize now how much you must’ve hated it. That’s all.”

“Yeah, it is damn frustrating. I’m glad you recognize that. I’ll tell you, just not at this second.”

“Okay, that’s fine.” I answer. “So, how does it feel to be whole? To have clarity and all that. I was too stunned seeing you at my, I mean, our place that I forgot to ask you about it.”

“It feels like you played with my emotions. The things I wouldn’t have let you get away with…” He shakes his head. “Enough about that. I’m glad to know exactly who I am. I’m different, but I’m me. Don’t know if that makes sense.”

“It makes sense. You forgot to add that you’re even more dramatic. Are you sure I initiated everything that night?” I tease, having a feeling I did. The heavy dose, while not helping my memory, kept me free and bold. I’d go back to them if they didn’t make me feel like my body didn’t belong to me. “But I am glad you found yourself again. I’m so happy for you, Walton.” the name slips out by mistake.

Luckily, before he speaks, my phone vibrates with a message. It’s from my group chat with Walt’s mother and father.

Elora C.: Are we still on for tonight? I’ve missed you since we couldn’t meet up this week! I finally mastered Carimanolas!

Elora C: I’m so excited for you to taste them!

Me: You did! I can’t wait to taste them too. I miss you guys, too!

Papi Warren C.: What are you having us try this time, sweet Everie?

Papi Warren C.: And I’m glad you and my son are reconnecting again. It’s the best birthday gift.

Me: ha! It’s not your birthday! But yes, I’m over the moon every time I see him.

Me: And I’m making Arroz Con Pollo! I went grocery shopping last week, and I marinated overnight the meat for a kick of flavor.

Papi Warren C.: I’m glad you’re over the moon about him because my stomach can’t wait!

Papi Warren C.: What about my empanadas?

Me: Already done and ready to be cooked. They’re chilling in the fridge right now.

Elora C.: Dibs on two of them!

Papi Cambridge: Don’t touch my empanadas, woman!

Elora C.: Learn to share, honey!

Papi Warren C.: I don’t share my food or my woman.

I can’t help but laugh at their antics. I know they’re texting while they’re near each other. When they wanted to come visit me when I got home and I didn’t want to be rude with telling them they can’t come visit so I let them. Now, Walt’s parents and I have a night of introducing my cultural Afro-Panamanian foods while we watch movies. This week it’s Walt’s dad’s turn to pick a movie.

Me: What movie are we watching tonight?

Papi Warren C.: The sound of Music.

Papi Warren C.: We’re going to get your love for singing back, sweet Everie!

Papi Warren C.: My wife and I need to hear that amazing voice face to face. Blow our minds!

I smile widely, and Walt clears his throat, getting my attention.

“Sorry, did you say something?”