Page 135 of The Prodigal Twin

Me: Okay, Miles. Thank you.

My mind is spinning in ten thousand directions, and I just need a sense of clarity. I don’t know what to say or do. I switch over to another message box and text Walt.

Me: Can you come to the sitting area in our wing, please? I need to talk to you.

Husband: Okay.

Husband: Is everything okay? Are you okay?

Me: I don’t know. I need some clarity and I seem to only find it when I’m talking to you.

Husband: Cryptic much.

Husband: Okay, I’ll be right up.

The movie night turned into everyone else showing up, and I didn’t mind it at all. It feels good to have people around again.

“You should’ve told me you could throw down in the kitchen and I would’ve had you making me all types of dishes.” Moonlight says with a smile on her face while she munches on her empanada.

I add the last ingredients to the salad while Rowe and Sparrow set the table. I chuckle.

“Thank you,” I whisper, still not able to talk louder.

“It’s weird to almost not hear you,” Moonlight laughs. “But it’s also kind of cool how raspy your voice is now.”

“Yeah,” I nod. “I got a text from my voice therapist not too long ago and he told me there was a lot of damage done to my vocal chords because of, you know, the whole kidnapping thing. I don’t want to do surgery, so now, this is the new me.”

“Oh, wow!” Moonlight’s eyes widen as she stops mid chew and just looks at me. “Are you alright?”

I nod. “Yeah, I’ll be honest. I wasn’t expecting to get my voice back so easily, but I’m relieved that I don’t have it back. I don’t want it back.”

“But you sing so beautifully, and how are you going to yell at Walt when he gets on your nerves?” She jokes with a smile on her face.

I snort. “I’ll yell through text, but eventually, he’s just going to pretend he’s shaking in his boots when I whisper-yell. I’ll make it a contract that he has to sign.”

Moonlight laughs and shakes her head. “Both you and him don’t realize how similar you are. No wonder why you fell in love in one night.”

My face grows warm. “He told you about that?”

“Not in full detail or anything.” She chuckles. “Just that you two hit it off that night.”

“Yeah, I told him his breakup speech sucked, and he told me to get off the port since he paid to be alone.” I shrug my shoulders. “But I told him so did I. So, I stayed even though he told me he was fun, but I told him that’s what an old person would say.”

Moonlight laughs so hard she coughs. “Oh, I know that offended him. I knew him as the fun uncle.”

“And now he’s my crazy husband.” I joke and we both nod in agreement.

“That is very true. Pretty sure, I’ve never seen Walt terrorize a director like he did Chris.”

We both laugh. After we both sober up from that, I smile at her.

“You’ve got a certain glow to you. Hmm, catch me up, what have YOU been up to?”

Moonlight smiles from ear to ear. “I’m pregnant.”

My mood brightens even more, and I stop what I’m doing to pull her into a hug. Moonlight laughs as I jump up and down in a circle with her because I can’t yell.

“What the hell are you two doing?” Rowe asks, but Sparrow comes over and jumps with us even though she doesn’t know what is going on.