Page 138 of The Prodigal Twin

“Yeah, I get that.” He gives me a look that suggests that he’s watching me, then turns his attention back to Lars. “Let us know if we can help,” my dad tells him. “If the Cambridges have nothing else, it’s money.”

“For sure,” Whit agrees.

“Thank you all,” Mayhem says, then looks back at me. “As for you two, the main thing I heard was how much you two love each other. Maybe that’s how to resolve it. Focus on the love and let all the other bullshit fall away. You have her back. She’s mostly fine, and she remembers and loves you.”

“She’d ask me how you were every day and if I didn’t know, she’d call Tucker,” Hunter said, although I can tell he’s not interested in giving his brother-in-law a pep talk.

“I’m sorry this transition has been so hard, but I’m so damn happy you’re back,” Whit tells me with a smile.

“I missed y’all even when I didn’t remember,” I assure him and our dad. “Enough of that. What did Mercy find, Mayhem?”

Mayhem pulls out his phone, reads over the files, and sighs. “I almost don’t want to tell you this bullshit. Anika. Apparently, she knew you were taken to the local hospital. The hospital took pictures of your injuries, but Tucker took you into private care before she could get to you. Which is a good thing, since you were amnesiac. She probably would have sold you a lie that you were a couple.”

I’m sick to my stomach at the thought.

“That crooked whore knew my son was probably alive and went home to his brother like nothing happened!” My dad roars and I see the murder in his eyes. “You don’t have to worry about killing her, Walt. I’ll do it.”

“I love your enthusiasm, Warren, but we have a plan.”

“You can’t use that plan if I knock you out for calling me Warren, Walt,” my dad rages, but he’s calmer, like I knew he would be.

Whit chuckles. “That’s where Rowe gets that shit from. If that kid calls me Whit one more time…”

It makes me chuckle at how I’ve imprinted things on my son even before we knew about its connection.

“Yeah, I have some contacts in the prison. If Whit is still paying some inmates to beat her up periodically, we can use one of those days to get in there.”

“Oh, I am,” admits with a laugh. “I have at least five on payroll, so they can rotate and not be suspicious.”

“Good. Hunter got me a job as the night guard. I’ll scope the place and set up anything necessary, then quit before the plan is executed,” Lars explained.

“I’m going in with you to make sure you get out,” Hunter adds.

I nod. “Good. All of this started because of me. I’ll end it for good. Now, Happy. I need a specialist for him.”

“What kind of specialist?” Lars questions as he pulls out his phone.

“I want to send him a very special birthday cake.”

We chuckle at my insinuation.

“What are y’all laughing about?” Rowe asks when he appears.

“Birthday parties,” I respond with a half-truth.

He doesn’t respond, but his face is red, like he’s upset and trying to mask it.

“What happened?” Whit and I ask at the same time. It’s not unusual, we’re twins.

“We might have to call our lawyer,” he responds and passes me the phone.

Whit stands next to me as we watch. It’s a video of a paparazzo crowding Sparrow and making her uncomfortable. She tries to get around him, but he keeps shouting questions and accusations at her. She makes it to Rowe. Rowe moves Sparrow behind him and tells the guy that he’s making Sparrow nervous and to go away. Instead, the paparazzo asks him if I paid someone to make Everest miscarry. Rowe doesn’t answer with his words. He clocks the guy and knocks him out.

The headline reads: A Cambridge Strikes Again.

“Oh, so they want to be funny. Polly and Johnny's dumb asses are covering the story,” I scoff.

I hated them in high school, and I don’t like their nosy asses now.