Page 147 of The Prodigal Twin


It’sofficial.Ihave my baby back. It has nothing to do with the sex, although it was spectacular as always. It’s because I saw the person she was before the attack. My Everie showed up. Of course, there are things we still need to work through, and those things will take time, but she’s back.

Who would have thought all I had to do was speak to her jealous/possessive side? We can do anything together as long as she’s present. There’s a spark in her that I feared was lost forever. We’ve finally made it to brunch and are sitting out on the patio that we paid to close down because Everie still doesn’t like crowds and I’m mad at the town. She turned another one of my shirts into a dress. Her hair is in a ponytail because I fucked it up as promised, and she has on big shades as she sips her mimosa and ignores the outside world.

People who walk by can still see us, but when I turn my head, whoever is passing looks the opposite way. After the third occurrence, I nod approvingly.

“What are you thinking about?” she asks as she looks up from the menu.

“It looks like people caught the news last night. Good.”

“That was damn sexy, Mr. Cambridge.”

I lift my glass and take a sip. “Anything for you Mrs. Cambridge.”

She blushes like we didn’t spend all morning fucking. “What are you thinking about eating?” she inquires as she looks back down at the menu.

“Let me get some food in my system, then I’ll answer that question.” Everie rolls her eye like she’s not turned on and takes a gulp of her mimosa.

I polish off my glass and refill it. She can get drunk if she likes because drunk sex is great.

“Did Moonlight leave my food?”

“Yes, she did. It’s in the fridge.” She snorts. “Acting like my food didn’t smell great. Don’t think I didn’t notice, Walt.”

“You should try it. It’s great. Plus, I didn’t know you were cooking when I asked her. You were in the business of not telling me shit.”

“Just say you want to come to movie night. Papi and I can show you how to make some of my favorite dishes… naked.”

“First, you already know I want to come to movie night. Add me to the group chat right now. Second, I’m in, but if you keep calling me Papi, you won’t have time to cook since I’ll fuck you every time you say it...”


It’s a week later and we’re trying the big family dinner again. I invited Tucker to cook with me like I used to help him, since cooking is an event with him. I was blasting Bobby Brown and in the middle of re-enacting the dance to Humpin’ Around when we came in and changed the radio. Of all the mob boss audacity.

“If you want to make the food of my people, you listen to the music of my people,” he says as the Spanish music blasts.

I soon remembered that the only woman who used to be around when he cooked was his wife. Now that other women are present, it’s a little more problematic. Moonlight watches a little longer than usual and Whit pulls her out of the way. Tucker is in the zone working on his black beans while I get the chicken and beef ready for fajitas. I’ll leave the maduros and tortillas to him.

Sparrow finds her way closer. I’m not sure if she was watching from afar because of the open concept. She’s somewhat swaying to the beat as she watches Tucker spray his pheromones all over my kitchen. He’s lost his shirt, leaving behind his muscle shirt.

I just move to the grill and ignore the kiss Rowe just gave Sparrow when I notice my wife sighing dreamily while staring at Tucker.

I put down the meat and wash my hands. She blinks a few times when I break her view of Tucker.

“What rule did I tell you to put at the top of that contract, Milagros?”

“Don’t fuck with you?”

“And you staring at your crush while we’re cooking dinner is sorely breaking that rule.”

Her brown eyes study my face. “So, this is your trend now? Calling me by my middle name when you’re mad at me?”

“Mad, annoyed, frustrated…”

“Well, Walton. I love you. He’s just great to look at.”

I smile because she must have forgotten how she’s wired.