Page 152 of The Prodigal Twin

“I’m sorry it had to be this way. Her lying and manipulation would have been easier if she’d actually given a damn about you like she was supposed to.”

I hug him tighter as he cries. I think the part that hurts the most is he never got love from the one person he expected to give it unconditionally.

“This is why Whit and I worked hard to fill your life with women who’ll love you the way you deserve.”

“Thank you, Dad.” He wipes his face. “And I love all of them. It just sucks, you know?”

“I know, if I could have fixed her personality, I would have, but we can’t make people feel what they don’t feel. You may have been a pawn to her, but you’re everything to us.”

He hugs me again, then straightens up. “I’ll go to her funeral, but that’s it.”

Fair enough. As if on cue, Everest shows up and pulls him in the biggest hug her little body could muster.

“Don’t cry, Rowe. I’m sorry.” She rubs his back and his hair as he holds on tight. “I promise to make up for it and I’ll give you all the love in the world, if you let me. Just please don’t cry anymore. It breaks my heart when you do.”

Whit and Moonlight reappear. I knew they wouldn’t stay away for long.

“Same, kiddo,” Moonlight says with her own hug. “I have loved you since the moment we met.” She looks at Everest. “You know what he needs, Everest?”

“Food,” they say in unison.

“Jake’s Shakes it is,” Everest says.

They fawn over Rowe as they usher him out, forgetting about Whit and I, in the process.

“Normally, that’d be a first class violation, but I’ll let it slide since it’s about Rowe right now.”

I look at Whit with a smile. “Agreed.” We bump fists. “Besides, I’ll punish Everest later.”

“Agreed,” Whit responds.

I drop my arm around his shoulders. “And that’s why we’re twins.”

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