Page 22 of The Prodigal Twin

The world flips and everything flashes red. My body feels heavy. I can’t move normally. Pain rips through my body, but there isn’t anything I can do about it. A helplessness I’ve never felt before washes over me…

I jump up, grab my gun and aim it in different places until I realize I’m alone. It takes a few moments for my breathing to return to normal. I know I was attacked, but the method and reason are still the ghosts that haunt me daily. I growl my frustration and put the gun away. My body is tight. I need to release some of this tension. Standing, I disappear into my bathroom and groom. It’s only six in the morning, but I know I won’t be able to go back to sleep.

Between the dreams, learning more about my family, and “helping” Everest fall asleep for the last two weeks, my brain doesn’t shut off. The reunion with my parents was intense. It was hard to see my mom cry as hard as she did and still believe it’s from happiness. I know it is because she and my dad refused to let me go. Periodically, my mom would kiss my check and whisper, “my boy.”

One of the best things that comes out of all of this is that my childhood is pretty solid in my mind now. I guess my parents were the missing links. I’d do or say stuff I didn’t realize I knew the more I was around Whit, but my parents brought a flood of memories. I’d say I know everything up to senior year now. I’m sure there are small things that are still blank, but not my family bond.

The knowledge made it easier to breathe because I know without a doubt none of my immediate family caused my almost fatal injuries.

After I brush my teeth, I gather my hair and wrap it up into a top knot, then pull on my gym clothes. I need to punch someone or something to release all of my frustrations. I move quietly because I don’t expect anyone to be awake this early.

As I get closer, I hear music that was muted by the door and sound proofing. Once inside, I find the guy that Whit hired to tail Everest when she was avoiding me. He’s a pretty big guy, but he seems to have managed so far. It’s amazing that a 6’5 guy with sleeve tattoos can blend enough to not spook a jumpy cupcake. He wipes the sweat from his brow. His low, braided ponytail whips over his shoulder when he turns to look at me. He pushes it off, and it falls back to mid-back.

He stalks my direction as he removes his gloves and drops them on the side of the ring. He dries his hands and beard, then extends his hand once he’s within reach.

I shake it, noticing how the light plays off his tattooed sleeves. He’s done his ink a little differently than others. His chest is tattoo free. Instead, his sleeves go over his shoulder and merge into a huge back tattoo.

From a distance, his eyes looked brown but there is dark blue mixed in them. “Nice to meet you,” he greets me.

“Yes, we haven’t had a chance to meet since Everest has been intent on avoiding me.”

He gives me a slight smirk. “Yeah, she seems timid but becomes bolder when she performs.”

I nod, thinking of how she acts when she’s aroused. Her mouth gets dirty, especially when she came for me last night. After she came, I carried her out and put her in her own bed before she could dismiss me. I know if she would have tried, I would have fucked her on the spot. The scent of her was still on my sheets, but that helped me with my problem. Shaking away the memory, I bring my attention back in the conversation.

“Good to know. I’ll check it out one day.”

He tilts his head in the direction of the ring. “Let’s get to it.”


He climbs into the ring. “I know that look. I’ve worn it many times.”

With a shrug, I climb in and start putting on my gloves. He studies me for a second.

“Any restrictions from your injury?”

I shake my head. “No, the outside is plenty healed. The inside is the problem.” We hit gloves then back up. “I’m Walt by the way.”

“Everyone calls me, Mayhem,” he responds right before he swings at me.