Page 27 of The Prodigal Twin


Imaynotremember everything, but I doubt there is a better feeling than being buried in Everie’s pussy. Fuck, it feels just as good as it tastes and even though we’re both trying to catch our breath after explosive sex, all I can think about is getting her home doing it all over again. I grab her ass one more time before I separate us for now. I take another squeeze of her ass, then pat it.

“Let’s go.” She tries to protest, but I grab her chin and get in her face. “I said let’s go.”

She nods and I grab her hand and lead her to the dressing room so she can grab her things. A throng of paparazzi encircle us the moment we hit the back door. The hairs on the back of my neck rise because I don’t know who attacked me. They could be in the crowd, trying to finish what they started. I hold Everie’s back to my chest because that’s the best way to keep a hold of her.

The flashes are blinding as questions are thrown at me about my return. The pressure in my head makes it feel like my ears are ringing. Everest freezes, and I remember her issue with crowds. I have to sing her through it. She’s trying, but there are too many people, too close.

I sing the chorus to Before He Cheats. She joins me as we move forward with me, shielding her from being touched. She keeps singing and I only stop to tell them to move. Some are listening since tears are flowing down her face, but one moves closer.

“Everest! Do you like Happy, the clown?” He yells at her.

“What?” I ask as I push him away with my forearm.

He laughs when she puts her hands over her ears and curls into herself like she’s trying to get into the fetal position.

“Everie?” I say with a question in my voice as I reach for her, but she jerks away although she’s trembling.

I turn to glare at the asshole, who holds a smug smirk as he snaps a bunch of photos. I want to knock him out, but I can’t leave her in this state. As if reading my mind, Mayhem appears and lays him out. Watching his body go limp is so satisfying I would have chuckled if I weren’t worried about Everie. Rowe and Whit appear, pushing back more people until I have a clear view of the car. Everie is still partially crouched over and when I try to touch her again, she breaks away and dashes to the vehicle. We call exchange worried glances.

Now that we’re safe, Whit and Rowe leave for their vehicles as Mayhem climbs into the front passenger seat.

I get in to find Everie curled up and hugging herself. Coco drops her head on Everest and licks her, trying to pull her out. She’s staring into space, but I have no idea where she went in her head. I just know it’s bad if Coco can’t help her. I do the only thing I can do for her right now and pull out my phone.

Me: We got caught by the paps. I had her singing through it, but some asshole yelled her name and asked her a weird question. Now she’s curled up in the car, trembling, and I can’t touch her.

Tucker: Do you remember what he asked?

Me: Something about a clown.

Tucker: Do you like Happy, the clown?

Me: Yeah, that’s it.

Tucker: Fuck.

He calls me, and I answer immediately. “Hey?”

“Hey, I can’t tell you what caused it, but it’s not good. I have very specific instructions on how to help her. Are you ready?”

My leg bounces again because I’m stressed the fuck out. The crowd spooked me too, but my focus is on Everie.


“Reach out for her hand. Let her touch your face. Talk to her. Tell her your name, your full name, and let her touch your hair. Just describe to her what she’s touching. She’ll calm down because she knows you. Then take her to the bathroom, get to the bathtub and take one of the bathtub cups to pour water over yourself. Let her kneel facing you. You kneel as well, right in front of her. Place your thighs on each side of hers. You’re closing her in, but not. Don’t worry about her arms because she’s going to cross them over her chest when she feels you close. Don’t be offended. Turn on the water, let it be lukewarm. Just call her name and speak to her. Tell her what you’re doing and sing whatever song you like. Make sure it’s a song you like and not one she likes, so she can work her brain into seeing if she knows it. She’s going to be crying, but don’t be alarmed. Just keep doing it and make sure you drench her hair. When she says your name, you know she’s back.”

“Okay. I’ll bring her back.”

“I know. I trust you.”

It’s good to hear Tucker say that because I spent so many years not knowing myself and wondering if I was worthy of trust.

“Thank you,” I near whisper. He knows exactly why I’m thanking him.

“No need,” responds. “I’ll check on you two in an hour.”
