Page 36 of The Prodigal Twin


“Comewithyou?”I repeat.

“Yeah, when I go see the incubator.” Walt says while standing so close to me, if I stand on the tips of my toes, I could kiss him.

“You want me there?” I ask.

“I do.” He smirks as he leans lower, but before he can kiss me, I place my finger over his lips, cocking my brow.

“There are consequences to your actions, Disney.” I say, trying to lighten the mood.

Walt throws his head back, laughing like I said something hilariously funny. Pulling out my phone, I dial my lawyer’s number and don’t waver from looking Walt in the eye.

“Miss Bautista,” he answers.

“Hi, Frank. Buy Glenn Royal theater in Glenn Royal, then call the director that’s in charge of Moulin Rouge and tell him to remove every kissing scene in it.”

“Done and done.” Frank answers.

“Thank you.” I hang up and smile widely at Walt. “And that’s how it’s done.”

The kitchen is silent, and I look at everyone. Moonlight and Sparrow’s eyes widen, but there seems to be a form of respect from them I seem to have gotten. Whit’s brow is cocked and Rowe looks amused. Walt is the first one to laugh and clap his hands.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, I lost my memory and gained a sugar mama. I want a yacht.” Walt jokes and lightly slaps my hand away, dropping a kiss on me.

Walt deepens the kiss and his hand travels to my hair, then he pulls away. He tilts his head, looking at my hair. He twirls a curly lone strand that fell out. “Have we met before this?” He asks.

“Not that I know of.” I shrug my shoulders as I push my glasses back.

Walt doesn’t say anything, but I can feel that he wants to say more. He doesn’t though, instead he narrows his eyes at his finger that is still twirling my hair. He reaches over and removes my hair from the high bun that I had it in and runs his fingers through it. He turns me and my back is to his front now.

“What are you doing?” I ask.

“Just checking something.” He moves in closer with our bodies barely getting any space. If he touches me, it’ll look inappropriate. “Stop moving.” he says as he tugs my hair, causing my neck to arch towards him.

“Now, you’re just filming a kink porn in front of us.” Rowe jokes and I clear my throat moving away from Walt.

“On that note, let’s get out of here.” Whit says, and I avoid everyone’s eyes. Walt’s movements feel like a ghost of something, but my mind isn’t giving me the space to conjure it up.

Walt looks tense as he sits there eyeing the same woman who I’ve found out is Rowe’s mother. I haven’t asked why Rowe calls Walt Zombie Dad, but when he wants to tell me, then I’ll listen. I don’t want to ask because then I have to spill every single thing I keep buried deep inside of me. The biggest one that I understand, or rather, connects Walt and I, is the loneliness. The bitter feeling that there’s a part of you that’s inside but so far down in the dark that you can’t reach that.

The feel of Walt’s hand pulls me out of my thoughts as he tugs me over to him. I willingly go to him and he guides me to his lap. I haven’t really looked at her. I didn’t feel I had to because I could feel her anger radiating through the room. Now, she’s closer and I look at her. She’s very pretty, beautiful even, with startling blue eyes and dark hair. The dark hair makes her blue eyes even more pronounced, but I don’t get a chance to wonder what they were talking about as she growls, lunging for me.

I attempt to jump off Walt’s lap, but he turns us shielding me from her touching me.

Then it hits me… Everything is so clear. I gasp, holding on to Walt.

“Your break up speech sucks.” I remember saying.

He wasn’t facing me at first, but then he turned to look at me with a chuckle. “We’ve already broken up. This is a we’re not getting back together speech. Besides, you don’t know what you’re talking about. Have you ever broken up with anyone?” He asks as he licks his lips, looking at the length of body.

“Yes, I have. I usually just send a letter and a check for their compensation.” I say with a straight face.

“I’ve hit the jackpot and I’ve got a sugar mama with me.” He whistles as he comes closer, grabbing one of the glasses of champagne out of my hold. He refills it, then clinks his glass with mine and we both drink. “I want another yacht.” He jokes.

I giggle, shaking my head. “Wouldn’t that be something? My family would probably find me and try to take me to court like they’ve been trying to do for the past year.”

“Your family hates you?” Walt asks, surprised. “Join mine.” He winks as he wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me closer.