Page 44 of The Prodigal Twin


ThefeelofWalt’s teeth indenting on my shoulder brings me a rush. Shuddering, I moan as I turn to face him.

“You’re awake.” I say.

“So are you, but you didn’t sleep, did you?” Walt asks. He’s observant, I give him that.

“I was thinking about Hunter and how I hope he’s doing well.”

“You miss him?” Walt reaches out, tucking some hair behind my ear.

“I do.” Nodding, I shut my eyes at the feel of Walt’s hands traveling down my back and coming back up.

“Reach out to him. I don’t know everything about you and your family, but I’m willing to listen.”

“I don’t know,” I shrug, opening my eyes. “It’s been too long, and it’ll be awkward. There’s a lot of tension there.” I answer honestly.

“With Hunter?” He asks.

“Yes, and no. I say no because it’s been so long since I’ve told anyone about my family. I, I…” I pause, not able to get the words out.

Walt leans in and kisses my forehead while he grabs my ass. “I’m here for you, in every way you need.”

“Thank you.” I say and we get quiet. Reaching out, I trace Walt’s brows, the bridge of his nose, his lips, his jaw, and then back up to do it again.

“What’s on your mind, Everie?”

“Nothing.” I say and abruptly change the subject. “I’m going to be really busy starting tomorrow.”

“Busy doing what?” His brows furrow.

“Rehearsal? Opening night isn’t too far away, so longer rehearsals, less time for… this.”

“This?” Walt rolls his eyes. “I’m not going to rehearsal with you. I quit.”

“Disney, I fired you the second I bought the theater.”

Walt leans in and grabs a handful of my ass. He grinds into me as he lustfully glares at me. “I’d like compensation for being fired unfairly, Everie.” He licks his lips as he stares into my soul.

“I’m not going to miss your staring.” I tease, and Walt smirks as he moves his hand from my ass and slips his fingers in my hair.

“You talk a lot of shit about my staring, Everie.” His tongue darts out, licking my lips. “But secretly, I think you love that shit. You like when my attention is on you, don’t you?”

Even though I know what he’s talking about, I get panicky. Not because of anything else, but that I could really fall for him. Being in the comfort of this bed, like this, with Walt and not worried about anything else in my world.

Yet, there is so much to worry about in my world. The attack that happened to me, the way I froze. Walt’s already been attacked once. I can’t let it happen to him again.

“Everest.” Walt calling my full name has my attention because he rarely does it.


“Where did you just go now?” He asks.

“Nowhere.” I lean in closer to him and kiss him.

Pulling away, I push him to his back. I smile because I know he’s letting me then I climb on top.

“Are you trying to distract me with sex, Everest?” Walt teases.