Page 56 of The Prodigal Twin


Eachscenemademy mood darker. I should have just stayed in the play because at least she’d have to speak to me, even if it is scripted. Every sexy outfit made me shift in my seat as the two parts of me argued. Part of me wanted to pull her off stage and put clothes on her since she seems intent on showing the world what’s mine. The other part wanted to support her and her passion even if I’m still annoyed with her.

I’ve tried to rationalize that the breakdown in communication is our age difference, but the stubborn part of me isn’t buying it. She’s hiding something. There are times where she looks at the new Christian like she really loves him, but I chalk it up to spectacular acting since her anxiety would make her a terrible cheater.

Beautiful was the only word that recurred most of the night. She and her voice are beautiful, but she seems to not always know it. The last song was executed just as I expected, but my eyes didn’t follow her co-star’s entrance. Fuck him. I kept my stare where it mattered. As she held my stare, I felt like she was singing to me. I would have enjoyed that moment so much more if I wasn’t trying to read her mind.

My frown deepened when he grabbed her, and my eye twitched when he kissed her. My fingers curled into my legs to keep me in my seat. I was seething as the curtain closed but hearing her warning to the idiot with roaming lips and hands amused me a little. I would kill him.

The crowd laughed nervously as most of their eyes roamed over to where I was. I know Everie is a tremendous talent, and this town likes theater, but I’m sure the sold-out show has to do with trying to get eyes on the twin who returned from the dead. I keep my eyes straight because fuck them too. I don’t care about anyone here outside of my family and the crazy redhead that just ventured out on the stage like she’s trying to get fucked. Her split is so high, I squint to see if I can catch a glimpse of her pussy as she dances around.

She leans to blow me a kiss and while it’s cute, it’s not enough, especially when Danny with a Deathwish hands her a bouquet. I’ve had enough of being on the sidelines. I push my way through the crowd, which doesn’t take much effort since people naturally get out of my way. Some of the cast is used to my bullshit, so they get scarce as I approach. The director is talking to a couple of the actors, commending them on a good job when he sees me. He pushes the guys in front of him as he moves backwards.

“That kiss wasn’t part of the script, Mr. Cambridge.” His back gives me that information because he’s already running in the opposite direction.

I fight the urge to giggle as I head to where Danny is off to the side, chatting with Everest. Neither see me approach until I’m too close for them to react. Everie gives me enormous eyes as she shoots a worried glance at Danny. It’s clear he’s from out of town because he wouldn’t have smiled at me. I’m looking him in the eyes as I knock the flowers out of Everie’s hand. She gasps but knows better to pick them up.

Danny looks like he wants to protest, but I grab him by the jaw. “Do you enjoy having a functioning mouth?” He nods because he cannot speak. “Then keep it off Everest.” I push him by his mouth, and he falls to the ground.

People gasp and I don’t have to look up to know Everest is gone since a crowd is forming. The director reappears but tries to run off once he realizes I haven’t left, but I grab him by the collar.

“Make sure this doesn’t happen again. I’ll allow him to stay but if his lips find their way in the wrong place again. I’ll actually lose my temper. Fade. To. Black.”

I release him to watch him rush off with Danny in tow. I can’t hear him, but his body language tells me he’s chastising Danny going off script.

Cracking my neck, I make my way to the dressing room to find Everest and my family. The first thing I see is her body wrapped in a tiny, skintight red dress as she hugs Tennessee Church like he just saved her life. I know him and I know that this is a platonic hug, but it doesn’t change the fact that she gave the first hug away like I didn’t see her first.

She squeaks when I grab her by the back of her neck and pull her back. Ten narrows his eyes but understands no one is worse than him when it comes to his wife. I pull her back to me and whisper in her ear.

“I’m starting to think you like getting in trouble.”

She’s back with big, innocent eyes, like she doesn’t know she drives me crazy. “What did I do?”

I don’t get to respond because Tini pushes me out of the way and throws her arm around Everie. I adore her, but she’s not herself right now. Tini’s little body is inhabited with different personalities and judging by the way she’s looking at me, that asshole Rager is out to play.

“Rager, I swear if I didn’t adore Tini,” I say as I step back to glare at him properly.

“Fuck you. It doesn’t matter, bitch. I’d still beat your ass.”

My eyes roll heavenward because I cannot and will not engage. It’s a whole can of worms I don’t have energy for right now.

Everie looks on amused, which lets me know she has had plenty of time with him. Moving on, I shake Ten’s and Tucker’s hands and look at my confused family. I shake my head at them and push my hair behind my ear since I didn’t bother putting it up. I zone out on what Rager is saying.

It’s best I get some air because I’ll burn down this entire place and put a firm end to the production.

Mayhem tilts his head towards the nearest exit, and I salute him on the way out. If she can disappear, I can too. I came, saw, supported, and threatened. I’m good to go. Climbing in, I tell the driver that he can leave. Between Lars, Tucker, and Ten, Everie is in more than capable hands.

The door opens before we can pull off and my twin scoots in next to me. We look at each other for a bit before he speaks.

“It’s been weeks. I think I’ve given you enough time to pout.”

I scoff and drop my head back on the seat. “I’m not pouting. I’m just mentally and emotionally tired. I don’t have the energy for certain things right now.”

“Like kissing your girlfriend.”

I’m not surprised he saw that if he’s nothing else, Whit is hella perceptive. It’s like he sees everything.

“I don’t know where to start with that,” I admit with a sigh.