Page 58 of The Prodigal Twin


IthinkWaltis reaching the point of not being as patient with me for keeping things to myself. He knows that I’m harboring a secret and he isn’t wrong, but I can’t tell him.

Him slipping out like I normally would makes my chest ache. I look to the door to walk towards it, but Rowe comes in view and shakes his head. “Give him some space. Zombie dad needs it.” He gives me a smile, and he looks so much like Walt.

Well, I guess he would since Whit and Walt are twins. Of course, he’d look like Walt as well.

A feminine hand caresses my face and turns me to face them. I know it’s Rager. “This platinum haired punk looks like Walt and his copycat. We got a problem, sweet Everie?”

My cheeks warm like it always does with Rager. It’s easy to separate the personalities of Tini even if they are in her body. I’m used to Rager because he comes out when he’s trying to be protective as hell.

“No, Rager, he’s fine.” I answer.

Rager cocks his brow and I take in the suit that he has on. He’s dressed like a rich man would be if he was stuck in a woman’s body. Rager’s hair is slicked back and in a closed bun and, in true fashion, he’s wearing combat boots with his suit.

“Good, because I’ll fight a kid. I don’t give a fuck.” He glares at Rowe, who looks just as confused as Moonlight and Sparrow, who keep staring at Tini.

“This is one of my wife’s annoying ass personalities, Rager. He doesn’t know when to shut the fuck up.” Ten explains. “And I’m Tennesse Church, Tucker’s wife’s husband.”

“You’re all married to each other?” Sparrow asks.

“No, we’re married to her.” Tennesse says as if that clears everything up.

“Anyway, why the fuck was Walt touching you like that? You two an item?” Rager asks me.

“Yes.” I answer with a smile.

“You see, you big shit!” He yells at Tennesse, “I told you two dumb fucks that he would make a pass at my sweet Everie. She’s a sweetheart and innocent as all hell. Look at these big, beautiful eyes. Who wouldn’t want to taint them and turn her out? Nobody fucking listens to me.” Rager growls, getting upset.

“I’m okay, Michael,” I call him by a name he has only allowed me to call him. It’s a sign to let him know that I’m really safe. “No one took advantage of me. At all.” I blush.

“Good.” He smirks and lets my cheek go. “I got you a gift.” He turns to Tennesse, who rolls his eyes as he gives me the big, red box. As I open it, I notice that it’s a pleated skirt and blazer combo. “I heard you weren’t dressing like your fabulous self. That stops here.” He winks at me. “Let’s let Everie change.”

Rager literally ushers everyone out of the room with the three most confused people. While I change, I hear as Rager explain himself to the three in his own way.

“I’m a personality sort of motherfucker, but to make it easier on you three, if you ever see me wearing a fucking tutu, then it’s Tini. I am what my name is, so don’t get on my bad side, especially you, platinum.”

“What?” Rowe says with amusement in his tone. “You’re half of my size.” He chuckles.

“Yeah, but I’ve taken bigger assholes down in the facilities they’ve thrown me in. I’m balls height.” I can just picture a smirk on Rager’s face when he says that. “One time, I took this security guard’s baton and whacked him in the balls. Motherfucker still walks with a limp.” He laughs like a maniac. “He saw me two weeks ago and run like a little bitch, so yeah platinum, I fucks shit up. Anything else?”

“Are you crazy?” Rowe asks.

“Fucking delusion platinum and you’re bold. Good means you won’t ever step to my bad side.”

“This is your good side?” Sparrow softly asks.

“It’s my neutral side. I’m in mini rage mode right now, but you might get lucky and see me fully rage tonight. I am wearing my favorite stomping boots. My favorite thing to stomp on is balls.”

Rowe’s hearty chuckle reminds me of Walt and my face falls again, wanting to call him but I don’t want to overdo it. Rowe said to give him time, so I will. I slip on my outfit and chuckle, shaking my head when I see it in the mirror. Only Rager would have me in a Prada suit that leaves little to the imagination. The pleated black mini skirt shows off my legs as it has a diagonal white material hugging my mid center while the cropped blazer has a white dress shirt material as the collar and sleeves. It’s a low V-neck, so wearing nothing but my pasties is the option.

I smirk at this. Looking down on the floor, I spot another box and I know it’s also from Rager. There’s a card on the box and when I pick it up, I place the card on the side, opening it. It’s the high platform doc marten combat boots paired with Prada Shades.

After getting ready, fixing my makeup once more and gelling my hair back, putting it in a bun just like Rager so I can see the smile on his face, I pick up the card.

Opening the card, I read it.

My sweet Everest… You’ve done it and showed the world your talent.