Page 69 of The Prodigal Twin



I woke up panting after the dream I was having about her turned into a nightmare. I haven’t had many of those since we’ve gotten together. Being around her and my family eventually eased some of them, even if I still have a lot of blanks to fill.

I jumped off the bed, spinning slowly to see if she’s in my room. I knew it was a dream but the bad feeling that Everest was gone lingered. I’d told myself she’s well protected, but the feeling still hadn’t left once I was finished getting ready for the day.

Pulling out my phone, I checked for messages or a missed call, but had nothing. My fingers type out my texts as I frown. I left my room, navigated through my wing, and went downstairs, all while texting her.

The pressure eased when she told me she was in the kitchen. Seeing her reaction to my last text was worth the effort of sending it. She blushed and looked at Rowe and Sparrow as if they could see through her phone. It wouldn’t be possible with her sitting on the island. Her eyes were full of lust when they found mine and the little white number, she was wearing called to me.

Even now, after kissing her until we were breathless, I still can’t get over her little white number. She’s draped all over me and I must admit I love it, although I doubt, I was the clingy type before; my stomach tells me cuddle time is over. The smoothie she made was amazing, but I need solid food.

“What’s in the bag?” I ask to cut through what I consider as unnecessary conversations and move from between her legs.

If they are not talking about food or Everie’s pussy, I don’t want to hear it.

“Breakfast tacos,” Rowe answers me.

I rub my hands together with a smile. “My favorite.”

Rowe and Whit stop talking and stare at me.

“You remember that?” Whit questions, slowly.

I shrug and I realize it was a tidbit that I didn’t know before.

“I guess so.”

As much as I’d love to have the big picture, I’m still a fan of surprise memories. Since everyone is hanging out around the island, I don’t bother taking the tacos to the table. Instead, I spread them on the island and line up the salsa.

I push a chorizo taco towards Moonlight and the people watch the interaction like I’m doing something extraordinary. I grab a red salsa for her, then shake my head.

“Sorry. Green, right?”

She nods, impressed. “Normally, yes; but I’m full from the smoothie. Thank you, Walt.”

Moonlight is smiling at me like a proud mother whose kid just took his first step. In a way, I guess it’s a good thing since it shows I remember some parts of her.

“I’m not,” Whit chimes in as he pauses to see if I remember his preference.

I think for a second. “Um… bacon, egg, and cheese. Both salsas?”

Whit grins big and salutes me with the unwrapped taco I pushed his way. I’m happy that he didn’t make a big deal about a small bit of memory. While it’s not their intention, being praised for something so mundane makes me feel like a child or circus animal. I stay quiet to take the attention off of me, trying to remember stuff and zone out a little while everyone reaches for tacos.

We eat while almost everyone gets lost in conversation, but Everie keeps looking at me between bites of her food. I drop a kiss on her forehead, but the smile she gives me is tentative. As I chew, I raise my eyebrow and ask her what is wrong. I didn’t have an episode, and I wasn’t on the edge of one either, so it can’t be that.

She shakes her head like it’s nothing and smiles bigger, but I’m not buying it. Opting the change, the subject until later, I look down at her food to see which taco she chose but I can’t. The wrapper is flat, obstructing my view of the label.

“What taco do you like?”

I don’t know what I said to set her off, but Everest immediately drops her taco and slides off the counter. She speaks rapidly in Spanish as she storms off. I didn’t catch all of it but I’m certain it heavily emphasized a few curse words. I keep chewing as I watch her disappear for two reasons; I have no idea what’s going on and I’m realizing I’ve never seen her truly mad. As I pop the last bite into my mouth, I stand up straighter. I’m pretty sure I’ve threatened to fuck the attitude out of her before.

Whit, Moonlight, and Sparrow quietly watch me to see how I’ll react, but Rowe is chuckling as he shakes his head like he knew that was coming. Apparently, he speaks Everest.

I lift my arms in the air. “What?”

Rowe laughs harder. “Whew, old people. You’re over there with your amnesia and decide to test your memory by serving your ex-girlfriend first with the tacos your current girlfriend brought.” he stops to laugh like I did something truly comedic. “And then… and then you ask her what tacos she likes when she is almost finished eating the taco, she picked for herself.” The little asshole has actual tears from laughter. “Whew, I’m happy Sparrow doesn’t have exes.”