Page 72 of The Prodigal Twin


There’sanotherknockon my door and I ignore it while I wait for the person who manages a lot of my money, Jack, to get back on the line.

Although Walt said leaving isn’t an option, leaving to move to another place, giving me space is what I need. Maybe I’m overreacting or maybe, just maybe, I’m justified in feeling how I want to feel.

I am upset, not at anyone else but Walt. I know he said we talked about it, but we didn’t. He laughed about it and then he sexed me up, telling me it wasn’t what I thought. That’s fine, but it just won’t go away that quickly.

I am secure in myself, and that’s why I don’t really have an issue with Moonlight being Walt’s ex. What I have an issue with is how does he know for sure how he felt before the incident? Before losing his memory? There are things about her he’s remembering, small things that may be seen as mundane but to me, they aren’t. I’d rather someone remember how many sugars I get in my coffee than fly me out to Greece.

It’s the simple things that matter and that’s why I’m packing my things. Maybe the space to be somewhere else will help me concentrate and calm down. I’m no longer afraid to live alone because Hunter is always watching out for me. That causes me to smile for the first time in about an hour.

The knock comes again.

“Everie, it’s Tucker,” he announces. “May I come in?”

“Are you by yourself?” I ask.


I walk over and unlock the door, opening it for him to come in. Tucker shuts it behind him and looks around the room, stopping at my suitcase.

“Are you okay, Everie?” He asks.

“I’m upset, Tucker, and it’s making me someone I don’t recognize.” I say while I walk away and continue packing my things.

“What about you don’t you recognize?”

“My rationality, Tucker,” I sigh. “I don’t want to be that person who gets upset over the simple things. It just makes me mad every time I think about it.”

Tucker sits on the bed and places his hand over the suitcase so I can stop packing. “Everie, talk to me. Take a breath and really talk to me. I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what’s really wrong?”

“Every day, I’m afraid. Every single freakin day, Tucker.”

“Afraid of what?”

“Afraid that falling for Walt is a mistake.” I whisper.

“A mistake how?”

“I worry, Tucker. About everything, about him, about what will happen when he gets all his memories back.”

“What are you really afraid of with his memories?”

“That he’ll realize he’s already in love, but he forgot. Yes, I heard his breakup speech on that yacht but it came from a place filled with love. I just… I think what’s best i—.”

“Miss Bautista, I’m back. I found what you’re looking for. Should I start the paperwork? When would you like to move in?” Jack says, announcing his back on the line.

“You work faster than me.” Tucker chuckles.

Picking up the phone, I answer Jack. “Yes, go ahead with the paperwork and furnish it for me. You know all the things I had in my old apartment, and did you make sure no one knows about this? Even your assistant?”

“Yes, Miss Bautista. The security of the place is being hired as we speak, and everything is being set up as per your orders.”

“Okay good, I’ll text you on when I’m moving in, but for now, set it up for me as if I’m moving in today. Thank you.”

I hang up and Tucker has this amused yet proud look on his face.

“There’s the Everie I’ve missed seeing around.”