Page 79 of The Prodigal Twin

“Disney!” I yelp.

“Just checking to see if you’ll switch over to Spanish and call me papi or something because you definitely called me that.”

“When?” I ask, sitting up. “I’ve never called another man papi besides my father.”

“I could pump some kids into you and give you a good reason to call me papi since I’ll be somebody’s father if that’s what you want.” He licks his lips. “Oh wait, I’m already a daddy, so call me papi, baby. Let me hear it.”

“No,” I try not to blush as a nervous chuckle leaves my throat. “I’ve never said it to anyone.”

“Aww come on, babe. Do it for me and I promise I’ll let you propose to me with a cock ring.”

“Sir!” I gasp. “Mr. Cambridge, you have a filthy mouth.”

“And I want you to call me papi. Fuck, yell at me in Spanish again and call me crazy all you want, but remember this,” Walt says as he sobers up. “Don’t fucking leave without talking to me again, Everie. I will not only get you pregnant, but I will also register our marriage and knock down every door you hide behind, including your heart. Are we clear, baby?”

“You know,” I sit up on my knees to be closer to Walt’s upper body and face. I wrap my arms around his neck as he leans in, then stands me up on his bed. “Breaking down an Afro-Latina’s door like that is practically saying you love me. Lo juro por Dios.”

Walt doesn’t say anything, he just looks at me for a moment and then smiles. “What’s that mean?”

“Means I swear to God.”

“Well, lo juro por Dios to fuck up your entire life on this mini vacation, so figure things out with your hair. I told you I wanted to fuck out your blowout, and you almost ruined my fun. You’re going to pay for it double, triple time.”

“We’ll see Pap—.” I stop and kiss Walt, not letting him hear the whole Papi name.

Walt kisses me back just as hard and then let’s go. “You ever been chained to a bed during an entire vacation, Everie?”

“No.” I snort.

“Keep fucking with me and I’ll make sure I do it. I’ll even take pictures and videos to commemorate the act so you can show our kids.”

“We don’t have any kids, Disney.” I shake my head.

“You’ve got Coco and I’ve got Rowe. Look at that, we’re parents. Now stop fucking with me, Everie.”

This has me laughing like an idiot. Being mad at Walt is obviously stupid once the situation is diffused, but I am glad we had the argument, or rather that this happened, even with the icing me out for 2 weeks. Not because I want it to happen again, but it shows me we both are human.

We’re two people who’ve lived our entire lives without the other and we come with baggage. Not the average baggage, but the ones filled with trauma and traumatic surprises.

All I want is to be here for Walt, just like he was there for me when I had my episode. I want Walton Cambridge to love me as much as I love him.

Oh hell, I love Disney.