Page 81 of The Prodigal Twin

He looks up with a sigh as he tries to hold back tears. “Okay. Have fun. If you’re gone too long, I will follow.”

I laugh at that. “I’ll check in, but trust me, you don’t want to follow me unless you want to see me with my balls out.”

Sparrow’s head moves into view as she tries to look at Rowe’s screen. He nudges her with a growl.

“Let me hang up before Sparrow and I get divorced before we even get married.” His smirk drops as he sobers. “I love you, Dad.”

“I love you too, son. Be careful.” He salutes me as he hangs up. I hear sniffles as Everie puts her head on my shoulder. “Oh,” I chuckle. “Not you, too.”

I give her a hug and rub her arms. “It was such a sweet moment. Rowe is amazing.”

After I drop a kiss on her forehead. I call Whit. “You and Rowe are killing my vacation vibes with all these emotions.” I tell her as the phone rings.

“Says the guy calling his brother so he can emote some more.”

“Shut up,” I say with a laugh, just as Whit answers.

“Wow, you literally just called me,” he jokes.

“I was talking to Everie.”

“I’m glad you two made up and are going on a trip of your own.”

I nod, although it’s not a video call. “Yeah, about that. I don’t know if you hear this enough, but you did an amazing job raising Rowe.”

The other line is quiet for a moment before Whit spoke. “Thank you. Listen, about your trip.”

I chuckle. “I know. Come back or you and the mini-us will hunt me down.”

Whit joins me, laughing as well. “I’m glad we had this talk.”

“Yup, and I love you, too.”

Mayhem drops his cards and I chuckle when I find that my hand was better than his when I folded. That man has one hell of a poker face. It’s quite a lengthy flight to Greece, so Everest is in the back of the Jet sleeping in bed.

Mayhem and I weren’t sleepy, so we played cards to kill some time. He caught a ride with us but will not be following us on vacation. I can handle a lot of things, but I’m sure there are still extra eyes on us.

“What will you be doing in Liechtenstein?”

He smiles but doesn’t answer me. Ah, a secret. It’s okay with me. The less I know, the better. I know he speaks since I’ve heard him talking to Jason.

“Okay, an easier subject? Is Jason your brother?”

The smile on his face softens. “He’s like a brother to me.”

He doesn’t elaborate and I don’t pry; he’ll share what he wants to share. I don’t think he’s freezing me out or trying to get me out of his business. I just think the question he looks like he wants to ask is bigger than small talk.

“Go ahead,” I prompt.

He raises his eyebrows because he didn’t expect me to speak. “Huh?”

“Ask what you need to ask. I’m not going to try to fight you or anything.”

He scoffs because we’ve sparred enough to know we have a similar skill set.

“Your memory…” he pauses it as he thinks of how to pose the question. “Do you think it purposely blocked the traumatic stuff or things you don’t want to remember?”

I shrug. “It’s possible. From the moment I opened my eyes, my life was blank. I didn’t remember any of my past. I was worried that I was the worst man in the world because surely someone would look for a good guy.”

“But the people you don’t remember, do you feel there’s a reason like you didn’t want to remember?”

I shake my head. “Not exactly. I’m sure you heard that Moonlight is my ex. It doesn’t seem like we had any major issues, but aside from the little tidbits here and there, I hardly remember her.”

“Do you think it’s because you didn’t love her?”

If I had to guess, someone he loved forgot him. It’s a sad thing and I hate it took me so long to realize that I have a brother and a child.

“Don’t feel that way. A twin bond is crazy strong. So is the love of a parent, but it took me years to remember I had a brother and a son. If someone loved you and forgot, it may not be an indication of how much they did or didn’t love you and more of a testament of what I know and that is your brain can be the biggest asshole ever.”

He cracks a smile, although there is pain swimming in those blue-brown eyes that only love could cause. It makes me think about my situation. I know it’d drive me insane if Everest didn’t remember me. We fall into another game, but my mind keeps going back to his question. If he lost someone, he loved to a brain injury, I hope like hell there is a way to fix it.