Page 87 of The Prodigal Twin

Walt smirks as Tennesse talks. My eyes don’t leave Walt’s, as Tennesse’s words make me fall more in love with Walt.

“Love isn’t just some normal, rational thing. We think it is, but it isn’t. Everyone has their own way of expressing their love, but as long as it’s in the unconditional way, then it’s right. Too many people exploit others with a false sense of security, causing that person to run from love because they think it’s painful. Love isn’t painful, it won’t hurt you and it won’t betray you. When you hear your significant other say they love you, it changes things for you. Gravity no longer exists as you’re soaring in the sky. Love brings you peace, joy and happiness. It brings you a certain satisfaction that nothing else can bring you. Yes, we are born by ourselves in this world, and we die by ourselves, but it doesn’t mean we have to be alone through this journey of life. Find love, be in love, and fight for that love with pride. It’s always the small things that count.” Tennesse says. “So, Walt and Everie, always love and when you feel you can’t find it in that moment, remember why you fell in love. You don’t love once and for all. Every single day, you choose to love. You choose your partner. So, choose each other.”

“I choose you, Everie,” Walt says to me with the biggest smile on his face.

“I’ll always choose you, Walt.” Walt chuckles.

“Good.” He grunts out as he slips a ring out. One that makes me laugh harder with everyone else as he slips in a ring that is joined with handcuffs and full of bling that from now on, I’m going to always need to wear my shades. He slips it on my ring finger. “How many times do I have to claim you, Everie?” He teases.

Tennesse passes me a band that matches my ring. It’s a binding sort of design around the band, like an endless infinity. I smile as I slip it into his ring finger, “every day, Walt. At every moment and in every single breath.”

“Fuck it. I’m not waiting for you to tell me to kiss my wife.” He says proudly as he kisses me and dips me at the same. I hear camera shutters and clicks, but I’m relaxed about it because I know it’s probably a photographer that was hired.

I can’t believe it. I’m married. Mrs. Everest Bautista-Cambridge is my name. Holy hell.