Page 95 of The Prodigal Twin


VoicesIdidn’trecognize floated into my dreams, pulling me out of the darkness. The light hurts as I struggle to open my eyes. Everything feels so heavy. I’m only able to muster enough energy to move my fingers. Groaning stopped the voices. I couldn’t tell if it was me or someone else.

“Boss. He’s waking up,” someone said in the distance.

My throat was dry, and it hurt trying to speak. What happened to me? Where am I? My head pounds, but I can’t reach for it. Metal clanged every time I tried to move. Am I handcuffed?

Finally, I was able to keep my eyes open long enough to focus.

A man with serious green eyes looked down at me. Watching me. My throat burned as someone removed the tube.

“Who are you?” He asked.

“Walt,” I croaked.

My throat was so dry it hurt. My eyes watered as I coughed. He held a cup with a straw for me to drink but took it away after a sip.

“Walt who?”

I opened my mouth to respond but closed it and my eyes as I tried to fight the blankness.

“I… I don’t know,” I admitted.

He studied me some more. “Where are you from? How old are you? Why are you on my property?”

Tears pricked my eyes as I tried to formulate an answer for him.

“I don’t know. Where am I? Why am I in a hospital?”

The man’s demeanor changed. He was no longer in interrogation mode. He regarded me as if I was fascinating.

“Bring in the doctor,” he ordered someone behind him.

The doctor checked my vitals and asked me a series of questions that I couldn’t answer.

“Walt? You said that’s your name, right?”

“I believe so,” I told him.

Frustrated, I tugged at the restraints, checking to see if they’ll loosen. The boss comes back just as I lost my shit.

“Who are you! Why did you do this to me? Let me go!”

He didn’t respond. Instead, he continued to watch me like I’m a puzzle. I didn’t know who I was or why I was restrained. Not being able to tell if I’m in danger or was the danger bothered me the most. Either way, the restraints were making me feel like a trapped animal, increasing my desire to escape. The trashing didn’t do anything but tighten my restraints. I screamed my vexation, but the stranger just watched.


That was all he said for the doctor to approach me with a syringe.

“No!” I yelled, but it was too late.

The needle pricked my skin. My body got warm before everything went dark.


My name pulled me out of my sleep. My eyelids were still heavy, making me blink slowly, but I could hear fine.
