Page 98 of The Prodigal Twin

Whit snaps his head up with unshed tears in his eyes. I let the moment play out because if he needs me, he’ll tell me.

“No! How could I hate you for carrying my child?”

“Well, well, w-” I clamp my hand over Rowe’s mouth, so his smartass won’t kill their moment.

“I just…” she starts but can’t find the right sentiment.

We all know what she means. Whit hated the last woman who claimed she carried his child.

“It’s not the same.” he rests on his knees and drops a shaky hand on Moonlight’s abdomen. “You’re carrying my child!” There is so much awe in his voice that my throat feels tight because I’m so happy for him. “I just never thought...” Whit trails off, lost for words. “Wow, I’m going to be a father.”

Moisture hits my hand and Rowe twists out of my hold and storms off without a word. I look at Whit and Moonlight, then at my son’s retreating form.

It’s time to do my job. I stop Sparrow before she can follow. “It got it,” I assure her as I follow.

Since I’ve been back, it’s been about my problems or Everest’s, but Rowe is in all respects a child who was caught in the middle of an epic war. I know what Whit meant and deep down I’m sure he does as well, but it’s hard for him to process Whit caring about anyone other than him. Eventually, Rowe will be the most protective of his sibling after he gets out of this vulnerable space.

I find him outside, sitting under a tree while staring off into space. Tears streak his cheeks, but he’s not currently crying.

“Son,” I greet him when I sit down next to him. “You know how identical twins work, right?” Rowe doesn’t respond, so I carry on, anyway. “Biologically, it is near impossible to tell us apart. Whit was married for so long because the first test, a standard one, said he was the father. The one he showed me when I found you all again is very, very detailed. Six billion markers and only one minute… thing proved that I was your father.” He looks my way but doesn’t engage. “It’s damn hard to figure out using science, and things are even more muddled when emotions are involved. Still, with the truth, he picked himself up and continued to be the best father he could be to you. It looks like he never missed a beat. Nothing makes that kind of devotion go away. Not even a sibling.”

“Cousin, technically.”

“You try calling that kid a cousin and Whit will beat your ass and I might help?” Rowe snorts, but he’s getting some of his color back. “We’re two men who are the product of the same DNA. You’re part of both of us. Always have been, always will be. No one will ever say differently. Even before I knew I was your dad, I knew I’d die to protect you. Near death and amnesia were the only things that kept me away.”

“I know,” he acknowledges.

“Then act like you know, son. I believe you know what he meant. Whit will never turn his back on you.” I look up to find Whit stalking our way. All his focus is on Rowe with worry etched in his face. “I’ll give you two a moment.”

I make my way back to the house but turn to check on them. Whit sits under the tree, hugging Rowe. Satisfied, I think if what to eat because no one is breaking a bond like that.