Page 4 of Kept for Christmas

“Don’t worry about me. I always do my best.”

He sat back and crossed one leg over another. He lifted an eyebrow and she hastily stood and picked up the teaching materials he had brought her.

“I should probably go. I’ll read everything you gave me and get to work right away. See you on Monday in class, Dr. Knight!”

“Good girl. That’s what I like to hear,” he said, his voice still low.

Those few words almost caused her to moan out loud, passion taking over her sense of reason. Slamming her lips together, she nodded quickly, knowing that she was still blushing hotly, and scooted out the door. Once in the hallway, she fell back against the wall and caught her breath. Her thighs quivered slightly and she could feel the beat of her heart throbbing loud in her ears.

She was terrible. Was she so sex-deprived that she wanted to jump a professor, a man who was totally off limits? Sure, it had been almost a year since she’d been with anyone and the sex hadn’t even been that good, but she seriously needed to get better control of herself.

Thankfully, it was nearly the end of the workday and she could go home to focus on her assignment, at least after she took care of the pulsating need between her legs. Most of the time, she searched for stories online, or found her pleasure with B.O.B., her battery-operated boyfriend. She’d lived alone for so long that she didn’t have to worry about nosy roommates or curious neighbors.

She caught her breath and walked out of the science building on shaky legs. Catching the subway, she was lost in her thoughts until her stop, where she wandered off the train and down a few blocks to her apartment building. She had rented a studio, not needing much room since she spent so much time at the lab and in classes anyway.

Digging her key out of her bag, she unlocked the door and went inside. She quickly slid the bolt to lock the entryway and was finally completely alone. Looking at her bed longingly, she slid her hand down her waist, slowly pushing her white skirt over her hips. Turning around, she stared at herself in her bedside mirror. Her long chocolate brown hair hung straight, without even an ounce of curl. She

stared back at her green eyes, her chin long and pointed, accentuated by the pink pout of her lips. Her cheeks were flushed. Looking down at her curvy body, she ran her palm over her small B-cup-sized breasts, feeling her nipples pebble underneath her touch. Gliding her hand down her taut stomach, she veered out along her curves, her wide hips always a point of insecurity for her. Her thighs, heavily muscled from years of dancing, made her look heavy on the bottom. Looking away, she sat down on the bed, lifting her light blue blouse up and over her head. Next, she unclasped her bra and her breasts bounced slightly, weighted with her desire.

Lying back, she drifted her soft fingers up and down her sensitive skin, imagining how a man like Dr. Knight would take control of her. Closing her eyes, she let her fantasy drift into the realms of something darker, something a bit kinkier than the usual vanilla sex she saw in the movies. Instead, she thought about how he would punish her for being naughty, how he might bare her body, and how he might control her completely.

Raina had always been into kinkier things for as long as she could remember, but she had never told anyone or ever acted on her desires. Her favorite books were ones in which the man was in charge of the relationship, taking his woman in hand whenever she needed it. Her favorite scenes were when he would take his girl over his knee and spank her bare bottom until she was very sorry for whatever she had done.

She imagined Dr. Knight sitting there, on that couch, his lips pursed with disappointment over her naughty behavior. He would then scold her, telling her that he expected better, that he had no choice but to teach her the best way he knew how, with her ass naked over his thighs. Slipping her hands into her panties, she felt how much of her wetness had gathered there. Whimpering, she dipped her fingers into her arousal and brought it forward to circle her needy bud. Closing her eyes, she lost herself in her fantasy.

“Touching yourself like that, such a naughty thing for a good student to do. I’m going to have to punish you. Stand in front of me and hold up your skirt.”

She’d move to follow his directions, only she’d squeal when he grasped the waistband of her pretty lacy underwear.

“You know how punishments are dealt with here. Spankings only happen with your bottom bared. I’m going to spank those naked cheeks of yours until you’re truly sorry for what you’ve done.”

He’d whip her panties down to her ankles and push her over his knees, bringing his heavy palm down hard on her backside. Over and over, he’d spank her until she cried and begged for him to stop, telling him she was sorry for behaving so badly.

“I decide when a spanking is over, young lady, not you.”

She screamed with ecstasy as her orgasm overtook her, the coil that had tightened within her since being in Dr. Knight’s presence completely breaking into a million pieces. Passion hurtled through her veins as her body soared, her heartbeat loud in her head. After a few long seconds, she calmed and pushed herself back up on the bed, her rampant desire quelled for the time being. Breathing a sigh of relief, she leaned against the headboard for a long moment.

Now she could focus on her work. She had a mountain of teaching plans, power points, and exams to review, and it was going to take all night, if not into the weekend. She couldn’t let that tall, dark, and handsome professor take over her thoughts so completely that it distracted her from what needed to be done. She had work to do. Period.

Chapter Two

Dr. Eliot Knight sat in his office, behind the safety of two closed doors. The tiny woman who had appeared before him not an hour ago had arrested his thoughts entirely. Her long brown hair had begged for him to weave it in his hands and pull it, twisting her naked body toward him as he cracked a cane against her ass, marking her pale skin with his work. Her small lithe frame had practically pleaded for his touch and he knew she wanted it too by the way she had stared at him, how her nipples pebbled underneath her shirt, and how she had pressed her trembling thighs together in an effort to control her body’s reactions. Her eyes had dilated when he had approached her. He thought she was naturally submissive based on what he had observed so far. The perfect kind of woman to experience his kinkiest desires.

He ran his fingers through his dark hair and sighed. He couldn’t possibly pursue her. She was off-limits, a graduate student, and the makings of the perfect storm with human resources. With a growl, he adjusted his hard cock and went back to working on a grant that was due in a couple of weeks. He couldn’t get distracted thinking about her pert little nipples and the way her pretty pink pussy would devour his cock and how her round globes would redden under his special brand of discipline.

Dammit. This wasn’t going to work. He adjusted himself again and sighed. He was going to have to figure out a way to work with the woman, without throwing her over the desk, ripping her panties off, and fucking her senseless as she screamed his name with pleasure.

Pushing back his chair, he walked over to his cabinet and took out a small glass. Pouring himself a small measure of whiskey, he took a sip and groaned, ever aware of the hardness of his cock trapped beneath the material of his slacks.

He’d have to have more control than this. He was always in control; he made the rules and others followed. With his luck, she probably wasn’t into kinky stuff anyway, probably liked lying on her back missionary style like every other boring couple. Instead, he wanted more, so much more, especially in the bedroom.

He’d have to be extra careful with her. Professional, as always. There could be no more than that. Guys like him couldn’t make pretty, studious girls like that happy. He had darker interests, kinkier needs that only a select few could fulfill, and although she’d hinted at compliant tendencies, he couldn’t be sure. Administration would have a field day if they caught wind that he’d tried anything with his teaching assistant. He downed his glass of whiskey and focused back on the grant while making a difficult decision. She would be just a student to him and that was it. He couldn’t even dream of anything more.

* * *

The next few months working with Raina went relatively smoothly. She followed his direction and was a great help in preparing class notes, as well as lectures. She even excelled when he allowed her to teach a week of classes, which impressed him quite a bit. His secretary had given her an office next to his and he couldn’t help but peek in at her periodically to see how she was doing. He succeeded at keeping everything professional and efficient, at least until he assigned her the job of writing the final exam.

It was nearing finals week when he witnessed a moment he’d never expected to see. It was a Saturday night toward the middle of December and he came into the office to grab some files he’d left behind. He noticed the light on in her small office and narrowed his eyes in confusion. It was almost midnight. What was she doing here so late? She shouldn’t be here. It wasn’t safe to for a woman to walk around this area of New York late at night. How would she get home?