Page 15 of Her Last Audition

I keep drinking, smoking cigarette after cigarette, but the image of crystal, grey eyes continue to float to the forefront of my mind. Grey eyes and silver hair.



Final Warning

I don’t knowhow I fell asleep, but the shouts and the commotion outside wakes me up.

“Get up, line up. Come on, ladies!” a voice shouts, followed by a loud bang that gets closer, echoing down the hall. I jump when something bashes on my door, and I scramble from my perch on the bed, watching the door with wide eyes.

I hear another sound and realize someone is banging on all the doors. How many people are in here? How many rooms are down this hall filled with girls like me?

My body shakes with fear and uncertainty, and I mentally curse myself for falling asleep instead of trying to figure out where I am, how to get out of here.

A moment later, the door opens, but no one enters. My eyes narrow and I hesitate, too afraid to approach the unknown that is in the hall. I hear shuffling, the movement of bodies, before someone steps into my room. A huge man, with a scowl on his face and clothes stained with sweat, stands at the threshold.

His eyes land on me and it takes two giant steps for him to get up close.

“What the fuck are you doing?” he says, grabbing my arm and pulling me from the corner. “Get in the fucking line with the others.”

He rips at the fabric of my dress, tearing the spaghetti strap and baring my shoulder. I let out a small cry and try to cover myself, but his grip is too strong.

“Let me go!”

He laughs without any humor. A hand comes up, and I cower, covering my face.

“Leave her be, Silvano,” a voice says from behind the man. He glowers at me, but releases me, dropping his hand. His nostrils flare once, and he walks out of the room, pausing to look at the man in the entry who's still hidden from my view by the door.

“Get the others ready.” I hear the other man say. “I’ll take care of this one.”

Silvano’s footsteps retreat as he shouts again for ‘everyone to line up.’ I wonder if I was better off being one of them, when the man who took me steps into the room.

He looks like so many men I’ve seen, average build and height, but I’ll never forget the look in his dark eyes that day.

His suit is perfect and seems off in a place like this. With his hair combed to the side and clean shaven face, and if not for where we were, I might have found him handsome.

“Hello, pet,” he says with a smile that doesn’t reach his eyes.

“Where am I? Who are you? Why am I here?” My voice shakes more than I’d like to, and I’m hunched slightly to cover up my exposed chest. He steps further into the room, never taking his eyes off me.

“Stupid questions,” he waves a hand dismissively. “But, I’ve never been one to turn down a pretty lady.”

He winks at me and I feel my face heat up as he reaches the cot, taking a seat and crossing his legs, as though at some formal event and not in a dingy room.

No, room isn’t the right word.Cell.

He pats the spot beside him but I don’t make a move. His eyes narrow and before I can react, he darts out and grabs my arm, pulling me beside him.

I want to pull back, but something about this man absolutely terrifies me, and I find myself frozen to the spot.

“That’s better,” he says, one hand still on my bicep as the other comes up to stroke my hair, patting down what I’m sure is an ungodly mess. “Now, rule number one is that you must listen. I don’t think you want to find out the consequence of being on my bad side, and besides, it's just rude. I don’t tolerate rudeness.”

He frowns for a moment, turning my face to him. I flinch when he brings his thumb to his mouth, wetting it before brushing it against my cheek. I turn my face away, but can’t move from the iron grip he still has on my arm.

“Ahh, better. Such a pretty girl shouldn’t be so dirty. Now, where was I? Ahm, yes. Your silly questions.” He smiles. “Where you are, well, that is irrelevant. Don’t ask again, I qualify repeating myself in the rude category. As for who I am...”

He releases my arm and stands, giving a small bow. “I am Eli, at your service.”