Page 33 of Her Last Audition

I need to be careful. Really fucking careful.

I’ve not even done the initiation, and already I’m sure Ivor senses my hesitation in what they’re doing.

Fuck, pimping and gambling is all one fucking thing, but goddamn human auctions is something else. I knew the Iron Elite had some fucked-up stuff going on, and I guess it was stupid of me to assume trafficking people wouldn’t be one of them.

But you don’t stop halfway through the initiation process, and if I’m going to keep this girl safe in any way, then I need to see this through.

Breathing deeply, I watch to see what Ivor does.



Stand By You

When the otherman reaches out his hand for me, I can’t help but look back to Atlas. I can feel my body shaking but at the small nod from my apparent saviour, I let the other man take my hand and lead me across the room toward a small leather couch.

I take a seat and pull the coat around me tighter, taking in the man across from me now that I don’t have Atlas’ arms to hide in.

He’s older, but quite handsome, a bit of silver flecking in well-groomed hair. This is a man I might expect to see at a fancy event, not at a place like this. His expression is sincere, even kind, but after spending the past days with Eli, I’ve learned well enough that appearances mean little. I dart a glance back to Atlas who looks infinitely more dangerous and foreboding than the man in front of me. Monsters don’t have scars and burns, teeth or claws. In the real world, monsters wear suits and tell women they’re beautiful.

“My dear,” the man begins, keeping my hand in his, “I’m Ivor and I am part of the Iron Elite, and you work for us. You’ve been told about this, yes?”

I nod tightly. The Iron Elite. The organization, or men, or whatever, that apparently owns me.

You said I could have her, Atlas’ words from earlier come back to me, and I can’t help but wonder.

I suppose I should feel shame and embarrassment. Perhaps be furious at Atlas for doing what he did for all to see. I don’t feel anything, though, except fear of the man in front of me, and an aching desire to feel safe. I can’t help but think how safe I felt when Atlas’ arms were wrapped around me.

I’m seriously messed up.

“Now, usually girls in your situation are not so fortunate as to have such a sponsor,” Ivor explains to me, nodding in Atlas’ direction, who is standing across the room with crossed arms watching us closely. “There are rules you must follow. First, you will address me and any man you will meet in this place as Master. Second, you shall live here if or until we decide you should be able to be trusted outside these walls. If you disobey us or try to leave, you will be punished. Do you understand?”

It’s not far off from Eli's pep talk the first night, but still, I feel my eyes fill with tears at the thought of living here, in that cell. I go to open my mouth and my voice cracks as the water spills from my eyes.

“You said she’d be mine,” Atlas says sharply.

“And she will be, but she stays here,” Ivor replies, his voice firm. My shoulders shake and my eyes are blurry from tears as Ivor helps me to stand, passing my hand to Atlas. The large hand that envelopes mine is comforting and he pulls me to his chest.

Today has been a wash of extreme emotions and I don’t know why I let myself have the smallest glimmer of hope that this day would end well.

“You may take her back to her room. Mark is outside and will show you where. Then come see me immediately. We have the rest of your initiation to discuss.”

I feel the tension in Atlas’ body but he nods before turning, leading me out of the office once more. I don’t pay attention when he says something to the guard, the same man with the scar I saw earlier.

My body feels like it's floating as Atlas and the other man lead me down the hall.

Live here, the words echo in my mind.

“I can’t live here,” I choke out quietly as we walk, and Atlas’ arm tightens around my shoulder.

“Not here,” he says, his tone short, and I realize he means we can’t talk here.

Inhaling deeply, I keep myself tucked into his arm and let myself be led through the maze that is the building.

We get back to the familiar hallway, and I realize I truly am going back to that place.

“I’ll give you a minute,” the guard says, closing the door behind him.