Page 42 of Her Last Audition

My fists slam down on the table as fire runs through my blood at the thought of that tiny girl being served up to the Iron Elite scum.

“What the fuck do you mean she was in the brothel?”

“Well, I went there like you fucking said, alright? So, I get there and ask for women, again, like you fucking said.Go talk to the other girls, see if they’ve seen Kinsey, take it from there.Capiche? So that’s all fucking fine, until I get there and there’s this silver-haired bitch, dancing around like one of the whores. They have her as entertainment, but enough cash and the guard gave me a few moments with her. Alone.”

His voice sounds quiet and far away with the blood rushing in my ears. I can’t believe I expected the Iron Elite to have any sort of fucking honour.

“She’s doing okay, man. I mean, as okay as she can be. The other girls there seem to be taking care of her, couple of them practically fucking dived on me when I walked in.” He grins. “As much as I know I’ve got me some animal magnetism, I’m pretty fucking sure they were keeping me away from your bitch.”

I nod through my clenched jaw and nod at his hand.

“Gimme a smoke.”

Riot obliges and I take a deep drag as I light it. The nicotine does nothing to calm me, though.

“Anything else?” I finally rasp and he shakes his head.

“No, man. That’s it. She’s a cute girl. Fucked-up situation you got yourself in, A. Hope you know what you’re doing with these Iron Elite fuckers.”

I fucking wish I did.

As soon asI get Riot out, I dial Ivor.

In days, it’s my final initiation and there’s no fucking way I’ll go through with that bullshit if they aren’t going to keep their end.

“Good evening, Atlas. To what do I owe this pleasure?”

“I want the girl now,” I tell him without preamble. “You said she’d be safe, and you’re fucking selling her to your goddamn fucking lackeys!”

“Watch your tone,” he warns before pausing. “It’s not safe for a girl like her to be out there. She has attracted an admirer, and she’ll be safer under guard anyway.”

“If she needs guarding, it should be by me. What fucking brotherhood sells someone else’s woman?”

I hear the smirk in his voice.

“Touché,” he replies. “But don’t forget, you aren’t one of us yet, are you?”

I don’t say anything.

“When you complete the initiation, you can have the girl.”

The phone clicks and I pull it from my ear, staring at it.

Fucking Ivor! And fucking Eli.

I know that’s who Ivor is fucking talking about, the wily fucker. I’m not sure what it is about this girl that has him so obsessed, though I suppose I should ask myself the same question.

Hardly fucking matters anymore.

I feel my phone buzz again and look down to see Kill’s number flashing. I frown and click my phone off. I can’t deal with his shit right now.




“I love it,”Reyne tells me, running her hand over the chin-length silver locks now framing my face.