Page 54 of Her Last Audition

“But someone else I knew saw and stepped in as well,” Jay adds with a chuckle.

“Jay managed to sneak me out of there, but not after we started a massive fight. I ended up with a lot of bruises and a broken nose that night, but if not for Jay, I would have been dead.”

I look over at Jay with new appreciation, the man I’ve always known as a bit of a homeless lowlife showing me a glimpse of what he was before all this happened to him.

“If what I’ve been told is true, I have you to thank for getting me out of a bad mess too,” I say. Jay scoffs.

“I inquired on your welfare, is all. Atlas is the one you have to thank,” Jay says, nodding at the huge man beside him. I look over at Atlas and try to stifle the uncertainty I feel around him, but don’t stop myself from meeting his eyes. Inside them, I see warmth and something else I don’t recognize.

“I never did say thank you,” I say to Atlas, looking up once more to meet his eyes as I say it. He gives me a curt nod, but I can tell he’s pleased.

We sit in silence as I finish the last few bites of my sandwich and the bottle of water. A million questions run through my mind.

“What now?” I finally ask, putting the empty plate and bottle on the couch beside me.

“I take you home,” Atlas answers, and I realize he means his home, not mine. I shift and look at Jay.

“Where will you—”

“I’m staying here for now,” Jay tells me. “Don’t worry, girl, I’ll be fine.”

I chew my lip, looking up at Atlas, and realize I don’t think I want to go with him. He watches me closely and I know he’s waiting for me to say something.

“I, um, I mean, could we, or I…”

“I told you before, just say it,” he says gently. I clear my throat.

“I want to stay here, too,” I tell him firmly. He’s not easy to read, but I can tell he’s surprised and blinks a few times before answering. When he does, the warmth is gone and replaced with a monotone.

“If that’s what you’d like,” he says, standing and walking out without another word. I frown, fairly certain I offended him. I feel a stab of guilt along with the relief I won’t have to be alone with him, yet.

Jay gives me a knowing look before walking out after him.



That’s Life

When she saidshe didn’t want to come with me, I had to suppress the immediate urge to pull her to me and take her anyway. It’s insane to me that I should be bothered at all, in reality her staying here for a few days while there is nothing happening works better. Means I can deal with other things I need to and know she’s somewhere secure. My shitty little apartment may be impossible to find, but if someone did, then they’d have no problem getting to her.

And despite the fact Ivor and the Iron Elite let me walk out of there with her today, I’m not stupid enough to believe there aren’t those who would try to take her from me.

The possessiveness I feel toward her is something I’m not used to and my fists clench together at the thought of someone else touching her. I release my grip and inhale deeply before pulling out my phone.

“Phil, I need you to set up another room at the warehouse.”

* * *

I leaveKinsey and Jay to talk while I make the arrangements for her. Phil orders them a couple pizzas, but I’m not hungry and leave them to it.

Usually, the security footage would be enough, but with both of them staying here, and now that I’m more than just an Iron Eliteinitiate, I won’t and can’t be too careful. I have Phil call in a few guys to do shifts for the rest of the week and double check all our systems before I’m satisfied.

By the time I’m done, it’s getting late and I get back to the break room to find Kinsey laid out asleep on the couch, and Jay sitting at the table with a newspaper in hand. I look down at her and am struck at once with how peaceful she looks sleeping, her expression soft and calm. The frown that’s knitted her brow so often around me has vanished, and in its place, is soft smooth skin and the hint of a smile on the corner of her lips.

“Sounds like she’s been through a lot,” Jay says. I look at her a moment longer before turning to my friend.

“She has,” I reply, meeting his eyes. For the first time since I was a kid, I see a hint of warning in the older man’s eyes.