Page 71 of Her Last Audition

Riot’s eyes widen as he begins to understand the gravity of the situation.




Fire and Rain

Despite the factthat Phil is old enough to be my father and looks like a retired UFC fighter, I find myself enjoying his company immensely as we drive over to the mall. Though it’s a bit odd for me to think that he’s basically here to guard me, I manage to push the thought from my mind.

“Do you have any family?” I ask, curious about this man who works so closely with Atlas. Phil’s hands clench over the wheel and for the first time, I feel a flicker of fear of the man who has been nothing but kind to me.

“Not anymore,” he answers darkly. I bring a hand over and place it gently on his arm.

“I’m sorry for your loss.”

The silence between us deepens until we finally pull up to the mall. I realize as Phil parks how strange it feels to be back in the normal world. Following my time with the Iron Elite, it’s been easy to transition to staying at the warehouse, but this full-on public space? I feel uncomfortable in my own skin.

“We can go somewhere else,” Phil tells me, seeming to sense my discomfort. “Or you can give me some lists and I can pick stuff up for you. It’s been awhile, but I was father to a teenage daughter once upon a time.”

I give him a small smile.

“No, it’s fine. Just a bit weird doing something so...normal.”

He nods. “I understand.”

Somehow, I think he does.

Phil walks around the car and opens the door for me and we head inside and walk up to the map layout. My eyes glance over the shops and I pick out the few cheap ones I usually go to.

“Let’s start there,” I tell Phil, pointing at one of them and he immediately shakes his head.

“Sorry, ma’am, but I had specific instructions.” He puts out an arm for me which I take, though I narrow my eyes suspiciously.


He smiles at me.

“Yup. Come on.”

When Phil walks me up to a brand name store, I stop in my tracks.

“No way.” I shake my head and he smiles.

“Come on, Atlas wants to spoil you. He’s got the cash, why not let him?”

I am about to open my mouth to respond when he stumbles. I frown, not understanding even as the sound registers. Red blossoms on his chest and his eyes meet mine as he begins to fall. Screams echo around us as the glass shatters behind him, but I pay no attention to any of it. Rushing toward Phil, I’ve almost reached him when an arm wraps around my middle.

I’m so intent on getting to Phil, to help him, that it doesn’t occur to me to wonder who’s holding me back.

“Let me go! PHIL!”



Set the World on Fire