Page 1 of Rope and Ride



Ithrow the bales of hay around in the barn, groaning at the ache in my body. I’m getting too old for this shit. Especially with no help. But my little slice of heaven doesn’t make enough money to pay for hands to do the heavy lifting.

Besides, I’m only thirty-four. I should have years left before I need help. I keep a weather eye on the tiny cabin that I can barely see the chimney over because of the line of trees in my front yard. Old Man Ryder’s heir is due to arrive today according to the gossip in town. I need to get to them before Clay does, hopefully to get a purchase agreement for the land going forward, cutting him off.

I finish up in the stall and pat the big bay’s back before I walk out of the stall shutting the door.

Stepping out of the barn, I slam the door for the night. I’ve been watching all day for them to arrive and so far, nothing. Maybe they decided not to come. Maybe they sold it already to some damn developer…which will really piss everyone around here off. Or maybe they died on the way up the mountain. That would be my luck.

I sit down in a rocking chair on my front porch, trying to keep an eye on that damn cabin. I need that land. Need it bad because I cannot let Clay beat me. I won’t.

A dark trail of smoke rises over the top of the trees and I swear, running for my truck. “Damn fool! Probably didn’t open the flue.”

I can tell by the thick, dark cloud rising that the cabin is probably full of smoke so thick that you can’t see. Any fool knows what to do with a fireplace but I’m assuming the heir is a freaking city slicker.

I punch the gas to the floor, gravel shooting up from my tires. I ease off and then let it fly.

I don’t need to get in an accident just to help some inept stranger. But my heart hammers in my chest like I’m running a freaking marathon when I get closer to the cabin and I see the smoke billowing out of the crevices in the front door.

Jumping out of my truck after I jerk it into park, I run to the door and pound on it. Nobody comes but I hear coughing in the room.

“Stupid idiot,” I mutter under my breath, twisting the knob and finding it locked. I search under the potted plant on the porch and find the spare key. Flinging the door open, I run into smoke-filled hell.

“Hey! Where are you?” I holler, cupping my hands around my mouth.

“Here,” I hear a raspy, soft moan off to the left and dart over to pick up the tiny form lying on the floor. I can’t see her but I can tell it’s a her and she’s got curves that my dick loves. Soft and supple. A deep, curvy waist and thick, shapely thighs that bunch when she stiffens.

“Put me down.”

“No, we need to get you out of here and then I’ll take care of the cabin. You’ve been in here too long. You need fresh air.”

She starts to protest but then breaks off in a hacking cough that makes me run faster out the door. I fall to my knees as soon as I get off the porch. I hear her draw a deep, shuddering breath and my dick hardens when her full breasts brush against my chest.

My head dips and I stare at her face, stunned. Deep cinnamon eyes hiding behind a wild cloud of caramel-blond curls. Lightly-tanned skin with a smattering of freckles across a pert little nose that turns up when she sees me staring, my mouth hanging open.

“What?” she coughs, rasping out the one word.

“You’re beautiful.” I shake my head, stunned stupid.Why the hell did I say that?My heart stills in my chest and then thumps wildly when her wide eyes dance with laughter.

“Are you always so abrupt?” she asks, struggling in my arms. My arms tighten around her fluffy curves. She’s curvy as a back road on the mountains and my mouth is watering with the urge to trace all those curves….with my tongue.

“I don’t know what you mean?” I stand up and set her down gently but I can’t seem to move away from her. I hover over her, watching her brush down her jeans and soft plaid shirt. I lift my hand and then drop it when she lifts an eyebrow and glares.

“Be careful, cowboy,” she growls. Her brown eyes sparkle with temper and she’s bristling like a tiny kitten hissing at me. A smile tugs at my lips.

“What are you planning to do to me if I don’t?”

“This!!” she says and the next thing I know, I find myself flat on my back, staring up at her.

“Oof!” My breath rushes out of me.

I blink up at her and she smirks, holding out her dainty, golden hand. Reaching out, I take it and then quickly pull her down on top of me.

“Oof!” She pushes off my chest and glares at me. “You’re not much of a gentleman are you?”

I laugh. “You started it!”