Page 19 of Rope and Ride

“What are you thinking?” Angel moves up behind me, wrapping her soft arms around my belly.

I glance down at her, knowing her like I know my own heart and soul. She’s a good mom. She’s a good woman. She’s the hardest working woman I’ve ever seen.

She’s everything I thought I found the first time around. It’s bittersweet that I wasted that time and love, but in the end, I found her and made my way back to my best friend.

“I’m thinking, I can’t believe this is our life. How good it all is.”

Her pouty lips quirk up and laughter dances in her eyes. “I knew it would be. You guys are just slow.”

I growl and bury my face in her smooth throat, groaning when she giggles and my dick hardens to steel as soon as she touches me.

“What do you think about this girl coming here?”

Angel leans into me, her head resting right over my heart. “I think that she’s running from something.”

My head pops up. “Should we tell her to go? I don’t want to put Jessa or you in danger!”

She glares at me, her eyes daggers. “No way. I think she needs us as much as I need her help.”

A car door slams and then Curt barrels into the room, barely knocking before he barges in. “Do you know this damn woman?”

Angel groans and hides her face when both of us study the pale, angry woman trembling in his hold. Wearing a pair of handcuffs. And not the fun kind.

“That’s my new assistant, Curt! Get those cuffs off of her now!”

Curt opens his mouth and I shake my head vigorously behind Angel’s back.

He wisely shuts his mouth and pulls out the key for the cuffs, releasing her.

She rubs her wrists, glaring at him like an angry, tiny kitten. But underneath it all, I see something. A flare of something between them.

The spark.

I shoot Angel a look and she grins, watching the two of them square up like boxers in the ring.

“Oh, this is going to be good,” she grins.

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