Page 24 of Sins of our Fathers

My jaw tics as I consider my options, my mind racing. I pull out my cell phone and dial Kris.

“I need you to put eyes on Huntske immediately. Yes, the client. Keep it subtle. I’ll be calling back for a pickup soon.”

I clickendthen type out a fast message to Hannah telling her to pull up PCD, but this time to use reverse image tracking instead of Huntske’s name. If he’s part of an organization like the HHS, there’s sure to be something.

I don’t say anything, not looking up from my phone while I wait. A few minutes later, it buzzes, and Hannah confirms it.

“Fuck.” I mutter, quickly forwarding it to Kris. My phone rings a moment later.

“Pick him up?”

“Yes,” I reply. “Get it done quickly and quietly.”

I click end again and put my phone down, barely able to keep my hand from shaking.

The entire time, Sin says nothing.

Our eyes meet and I can’t read what I see in his. Turning on my heel, I walk out.

Chapter 14


I wasn’t terriblysurprised when it took next to nothing to break Huntske. Or I suppose I should say Jansen. Lying fuck. Just the threat of pain was enough to have him sobbing like a child and spilling all he knew. Pathetic.

I got in my piece before I left him with Kris, certain he’ll get the rest of the information we need and take care of it accordingly. Kris’s eyes question how I found out, how such a contract could have been subverted by HHS, but I’m not ready to share with him just yet. With a nod, I leave him to it.

Later, I’ll have to finish dealing with that, but not now.

I crinkle my nose when I see the spatter of blood on my tights, certain I’ll never get the stains out. I liked these ones, too. Usually, on days I may have to do something like this, I’d prepare a bit better. I may love dressing in my business attire, but I also know that heels, tights, and pencil skirts make awful kill outfits.

Sighing, I start making my way to my room to change as I consider what the fuck I’m going to do with Sin now. I’ve let him get too close, and even though he just probably saved my ass, that only makes this worse. Maybe I’m getting soft. The old me would take that information and stuff it up his ass before using it then tossing him to the Butcher anyway.

Really, all it's done is make me that much more curious about his past.

He’s clearly a part of this life, this world, otherwise, how would he have recognized Huntske? He knows me, even knows my background if the Russian he spoke to me was any indication.

Yet he helped.

He could have said nothing about Huntske. In reality, if I hadn’t found out, it could have ultimately meant his freedom if HHS got the information.

I suppose he must have decided that helping me was the better option, gaining my favor, which also says a lot about who he is. Normal people don’t side with the black-market organizations.So who the fuck is Sin?And now an equally important question occurs to me.What is he? An informant? A hitman?

I’m halfway to my room when I turn, making my way back to the office.

Throwing open the door, the first thing I realize is that I forgot to put the bag back on his head. Sin’s dark eyes bore into me from across the room. Slamming the door behind me, I walk up to him. As I approach, the corner of his mouth curls up, shifting the scar on his pocked yet chiseled face. Beneath the scar, high cheekbones and the hint of what would have once been unmarked and pure.

“I take it you’re here to thank me,” he sniggers. Despite the leer, I see the tension across his brow. Stopping in front of him, I look down at him, my eyes wandering his face, his body. I want to run my hands down those arms, feel the muscles and scars. I turn to grab a chair, pulling it up so I’m in front of him and we’re basically eye level.

“Why?” I ask, and he raises a brow.

“Not how?” he questions, and it's my turn to give him a smug look.

“Shouldn’t you be happy I’m not asking how? Either you're an idiot, or you have a death wish.Tell me why.”

His jaw tightens, and he shrugs, jangling the chains. “Death doesn’t scare me, neither does pain.”

My smile softens but doesn’t disappear, though my voice drops as I sit forward.