Page 51 of Sins of our Fathers

“Enough of that shit,” she hisses. I start to open my mouth but close it as I take in the snake-like eyes watching me.

I can’t forget why I’m here.

I shrug again. “Have it your way. I’m going.”

Putting the glass down, I make my way toward the door, wondering if she’ll call after me, but she never does. No big fucking surprise there.

Stupid girl never listened to good fucking advice, and God fucking forbid the stubborn bitch ever asks for help. Too stupid to see what’s going on in front of her face.

Krystof Pashkin left me to die once, but he didn’t do a good enough job. His love for our sister, the fucking obsession he thought no one else saw, is only one of the reasons he left me there to bleed out. He’s a snake and not to be trusted.

But how the fuck do I tell that to her when I’m just as big of a snake? And why the fuck do I care?

After all, she fucking left me, too.

Didn’t even come to see what happened, if I was okay.

If not for that bastard finding me, I would have died the day those dogs attacked me. Many of the scars on my skin are a result of that day. For years, I cursed them, treated them like a fucking deformity. Now though? They’re a sign of my power. What I fucking went through for my own cunt of a sister to try to save her only to be fucking left behind.

My anger renewed, a sneer graces my lips.

Only two days, and it’s all going to come crashing down.

Chapter 31


I’m sittingat my desk inspecting my nails when I hear the expected knock on the door.

“Come in,” I shout, and a moment later, Hannah walks in.

She hurries over with the small bags I asked her to bring. She watches me with a knit brow when I take the small scraper from her hands but says nothing.

“I need you to make sure this is done off the books,” I tell her as I scrape the bits of blood and skin from beneath my nails. “I don’t want it on CASH-ULTY record. The results come directly to me.”

“Yes, ma’am,” she replies. I give her a stern look, handing her the samples.

“I’ll be in my room, but the team leaves in eight hours, so until then, consider me off unless it's an emergency or you get these results back sooner.”

She makes a quick note.

“Anything else?”

I shake my head.

“Go away,” I tell her, and her eyes widen a fraction before she hurries off. I sigh as the door shuts and turn around to sit back at my desk. I feel a slight twinge as I sit and flush at the memory of what brought that pain. I look down at my nails again.

I wonder if the samples will tell me anything?

I don’t really expect someone who is clearly as meticulous at covering his tracks as Sin is to leave behind an obvious DNA trail, but stranger things have happened. If nothing else, if he’s in police records anywhere but unidentified, I’ll have some idea of his previous dealings.

There’s always something to be learned if you look at it the right way.

I’m about to stand to head to my room when the door shoves open and Kris strides in.

“What the fuck?” I exclaim as I stand. Kris’s face is filled with rage I haven’t seen in years, and I have to resist the urge to take a step back as he approaches. Tilting my chin up, I narrow my eyes at him and move around to the front of the desk.

“What the fuck are you—”