Page 75 of Sins of our Fathers

I know it’s wrong, that the world won’t understand, but I don’t fucking care.

Nothing that feels this right can be wrong, and even if it is, I couldn’t care less.

“You think they’ll know it was us?” she asks as she moves around the desk, reaching into the drawer to grab some tissues. She rolls her eyes and holds up a bottle of lotion from the same drawer, and I laugh.

“Gross,” she comments, dropping the lotion and pulling several tissues out.

“They’ll know,” I tell her as I watch her clean herself. “But it doesn’t matter. I’m the infamous Sin. No one fucks with me.”

She smiles at that.

“Just wait till they get to meet Galina Pashkina,” she says with a wink as she pulls her skirt down. I laugh and move around the desk to bring her into my arms.

“The world doesn’t know what’s coming,” I assure her, and she smiles, wrapping her arms around me as far as they’ll go.

“You and me against the world.”

I kiss her forehead.


Chapter 46


We getout of the building easily, and I’m once again impressed with Sin’s ability to move unseen in a place with such high security. I now understand a bit better how he was so easily able to escape CASH-ULTY, though he assured me that the security had at least been good enough that he never would have been able to get in without letting himself be captured. I think he may have just said that to make me feel better.

Since Krystof’s death was announced in the news along with the destruction of the former Polish fortress, things have been quiet. Ginger Russell is dead, for all intents and purposes.

I know Sin is getting eager to do more jobs, but we needed to wait for me to heal before we could do this one, and he’d insisted this is where we start.

Can’t say I complained too much about the weeks we spent in bed.

Now that our grievances are taken care of, the world is our oyster.

We may not be good people, hell, we’re probably the worst type of people, but at least we have each other.

Two dark souls bound for hell.

And I wouldn’t trade what we have for anything.


If you haven’t readthe story that started it all, the Pashkin children’s prequel story, pick up Sins of the Family here


Well, there’s that.

If you enjoyed reading this, or even if you thought it was awful, please take a moment to leave a quick review! It means the world to indie authors like myself and is better than caffeine, hugs and chocolate combined (though I’ll take all of the above, if possible).

Sins of our Father’s originally started as a story about a ruthless bitch of a woman who ran an underground organization. I wanted it to be something like human trafficking, but with the clients as serial killers and rich folk. Inspired in part by the movie franchise Hostel, I wanted this organization to be dark and depraved and use innocence as a gauge of worth. Basically, this started out as a horror novel.

As I started dwelling into this character who I dubbed Ginger Russell and this hitman who was hired to kill her, I realized that Sin wassooooomuch more than the initial story I gave him. It was when I was about 25,000 words into the story when it changed shape entirely. I dropped this novel and spent a day writing Ginger’s backstory, Sins of the Family. Literally, sat and did it in one day. It poured out.

Dmitri and Krystof. Anya. The bits of Viktor (who may one day get his own short tale told). It was a short story that was essential to my creative process and truly understanding Galina Pashkina, aka Ginger.

I re-read all of what I had written so far on the main novel, and reworked a LOT and scratched a LOT. The general idea was there, but it needed to be adjusted.

Then I continued writing.

It took me about 50% into this book to have a true idea of what this story was, and that is a slightly taboo and violence dark romance with horrible human beings who you somehow root for.

For the record, I almost let Kris win.

I loved writing this book. The dark characters within these pages grew on me and I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it.

I plan to write more in the taboo realm and I wouldn’t be surprised to see more bits in this world, both of the past and future.

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