“What’s Cole’s idea?”

Jarrett gave his head a slow shake, aiming his gaze to the clouds. “He thinks I should just marry someone… anyone. A fake marriage, but completely legal, so I can get on the adoption track. But—”

“I’ll do it,” said Carlie, clapping her hands together. “I’ll marry you, so you can adopt Gabe.”

The inside of his mouth felt like tissue paper.

“But, that’s not what—”

“Don’t worry.” She waved a flippant hand. “I’m not deluding myself that this is a real marriage. I know you’re not in love with me anymore. But this is my chance to make up for what I did. We can stay married just long enough for you to adopt Gabe.”

“Carlie, that could take a year or more.”

“Please, Jarrett. Let me do this for you. What have you got to lose?”

My sanity comes to mind.

“Wouldn’t another divorce ruin your career?” Suddenly dizzy, Jarrett stepped back, wondering how all the oxygen had disappeared from the air.

“A high-profile marriage like this would get people talking about me again. It’d be great for my career, even if it only lasted a month.” Her hand gripped his and tugged him across the patio. “Let’s go tell the others!”

He stumbled behind her in a daze. But as her hand reached for the doorknob, he jerked her back. “Wait, Carlie! We can’t do this. One of us is bound to get hurt.”

“Listen, Jarrett. Didn’t we always have a good time when we were together?”

“Yes, but—”

“My best memories are of hanging out in the apartment, laughing and talking and watching silly movies. Let’s have fun while it lasts. And this time, if anyone suffers, it’s going to be me.” Her blue eyes gazed upward, puddled with tears. “And that’s okay, because I deserve it.”

“Carlie, you don’t deserve to suffer.”

“The point is I can help you get custody of Gabe so he can get the healthcare he needs.” The back of her hand came up to swipe at her eyes. “Are you saying you can’t even stand the idea of being in a short-term, fake relationship with me? Am I that repulsive now?”

He sighed. “You know better. You’re as beautiful as you’ve ever been.”

She jerked her chin down in a sharp nod. “Then, let’s do this… forGabe.”

The back door swung open, and she dragged him inside.

“Hey, everybody! We have an announcement!” Carlie cried out, pausing like a true performer, until every eye was trained her direction. “Jarrett and I are getting married!”

Shouts of confusion and excitement echoed in Jarrett’s head like they were standing inside a tunnel. Across the room, a set of crystal blue eyes collided with his, the connection so strong he reeled from the emotion. Rylie’s nostrils flared, and she turned her head away. Someone clapped him on his shoulder, as he watched her stand, rapid steps taking her to the front door. When it closed behind her, the sound didn’t reach his ears, but he felt the thud deep in his chest.

Why do I feel like I just kicked a puppy?

Chapter 4

“Which font do you like for the wedding napkins?” Carlie shoved her computer under Rylie’s nose. “I kind of like this one. It’s called Champagne.”

“This font would be fine, if it were translucent,” said Rylie.

“A translucent font? Why?”

“So I can see my breakfast,” Rylie growled, pushing the computer out of the way. Carlie had talked about nothing but the wedding since she’d floated home from Jarrett’s house Saturday night. After only three days, Rylie was more than sick of wedding planning, and the two hadn’t even set a date.

“You call that breakfast?” Carlie sneered at Rylie’s bowl of ice cream.

“It’s got milk in it. Plenty of vitamin D.” Rylie spooned a huge bite of triple-chocolate-swirl into her mouth, savoring the flavor. The minute she’d escaped the party on Saturday, she’d driven to the grocery store and stocked up on her favorite flavors of ice cream. “It’s better than a donut.”