Page 61 of Drop Dead Gorgeous

April 5, 12:01 p.m.

Edie: Last night was incredible.

Wicky: You were amazing. I can’t wait until we’re together again. God, I’m hard just thinking about it.

Edie: Next time we see each other at the clubhouse, imagine me naked and wanting you.

Wicky: On your knees?

Edie: After you.

April 7, 9:15 a.m.

Wicky: The first night I saw you, I had to have you. I couldn’t help myself.

Edie: At the Chippewa exhibit? Glad we found an empty room.

Wicky: The bark canoes haven’t rocked like that for over a hundred years.

Edie: I adore you.

Wicky: I adore you, lover.

April 14, 3:16 p.m.

Edie: Meet me at the Townsend. Executive suite. I don’t know the number.

Wicky: On my way. Wear something sexy.

Edie: Even when I’m in a business suit, you know I’m wearing something sexy.

Wicky: God, you make me hard.

April 19, 7:52 p.m.

Edie: I can’t possibly marry Blake.

Wicky: What are you going to do? Haven’t you sent the invitations?

Edie: Oh God.

April 23, 9:00 a.m.

Edie: It’s over. I did it. My parents are beside themselves.

Wicky: Be brave.

Edie: I’m leaving town on the 30th. There are three pieces of Nestora Piartoe pottery up for auction in El Paso. It’s a good excuse to get out of town.

Wicky: Marvin and Clarice will come around. They just might need a little time.

April 29, 10:36 a.m.

Edie: Are you up for west Texas? I’m leaving in the morning and not telling anyone. I’m desperate to get away from the whispers and judgments.

Wicky: Name the place and I’ll be there. Just thinking of you naked makes me hard.

“Yuck, that’s the third time he’s said ‘hard,’?” I say to myself through a pained groan. Edie told him she was desperate to get away, and all he could talk about was getting naked and hard. “Wicky” sounds like a real asshat. Maybe Edie and I have one more thing in common. We wasted time on asshats.