Kalt stood on the threshold wearing a winter hat, scarf, jacket, and jeans. His eyes were fixated on Cyrus, not on me, but that didn’t stop Sol from grabbing my naked body and pushing me behind him. “Out,” he snapped.

“Cyrus told me—”

“Out!” Sol repeated, louder this time.

I peeked around him in time to see Kalt mist somewhere else, causing me to roll my eyes.

“Really?” I asked my Earth Fae mate. “You could have just handed me a robe.”

Which was precisely what Exos did, his manner much calmer. I slipped the silk over my arms and cinched the tie around my waist.

“We are not inviting a sixth mate into our circle,” Sol grumbled.

Cyrus huffed a laugh. “Kalt has his hands full with a selkie at the moment. I think he’s fine.”

“A selkie?” I repeated.

“Yeah, a seal shifter,” he replied. “They’re a type of Winter Fae.”

“Is it safe yet?” Kalt called from the other side of the door. “Or would you like to continue discussing my love life?”

“Cheeky,” Cyrus murmured, grinning from ear to ear.

“I have no idea who he reminds me of,” Exos deadpanned. “No idea at all.”

Titus snorted and plucked a piece of bacon from the plate.

“You can come in,” I called, stepping around my rock of a mate.

He placed a possessive palm against my lower back, making my lips twitch. I don’t need or want more mates, Sol.

Good. His mental voice reminded me of smooth rocks. Because I’m not sharing you with another royal.

You like Exos and Cyrus.

I tolerate them, he muttered.

You more than tolerate them, I replied. There’d been a time when Sol didn’t trust any of them, his experience with a powerful fae having altered his opinion of Spirit Fae and royals. But he’d slowly overcome his past, even if he was trying to feign otherwise now.

I could feel his deep-seated respect for Exos and Cyrus. This was more about Kalt seeing me naked after a week of orgasms than it was about the possibility of me taking another mate. Sol didn’t like anything that could potentially cause me discomfort. And for that—and a myriad of other reasons—I loved him dearly.

I’m okay, I assured him as Kalt entered again, the Water Fae’s gaze wary.

“What brings you to Iceland?” I asked, genuinely curious.

“Uh, I have an update from the Winter Fae. Cyrus said you were still here, and he suggested I drop by to give you the news.” He swallowed, his long white hair billowing in the wind stirred by Vox’s air magic. It seemed to just flow naturally around my mate, who stood closest to the door.

“Tell her,” Cyrus said, his lips curling.

Those two words told me my water mate already knew whatever Kalt intended to say.

“The Winter Fae have agreed to support the academy and enchant it like they did the Interrealm Region,” Kalt announced.

“They have?” I jumped up once on a squeal, then ran across the room to hug the Water Fae emissary. He didn’t return the gesture because of Sol’s growl at my back.

That robe is thin and leaving nothing to the imagination, little flower.

Fae run around naked all the time, I reminded him, rolling my eyes. Especially Earth Fae. But I released the frozen Water Fae anyway and took a few steps back. “Sorry, I’m excited.”