I turned, and the smile on my face melted when I saw that my guys most certainly didn’t share my festive enthusiasm, except maybe Exos, who was still pleased with himself.

The unknown fae—who I assumed was the Healer—cleared her throat. “Well, suffice it to say, I do think your mates are right. You’re exhibiting all of the typical phase two traits.”

I blinked, then glanced around at my still-displeased mates. “Yeah, so, will somebody explain to me what all these phases mean? Where I come from, there are three trimesters, and I’m definitely not in the second one. I’m only, like, a little over a week pregnant. That’s hardly enough time for anything to happen.” Not to mention there were certain concerns yet to address.

Cyrus took one of my hands and placed a kiss on my knuckles. The gesture made me soften a little. “Little queen, things are going to move fast now. Once the Healer checks you out, we really should start making preparations.” He glanced around the room. “While I’m sure the faeling will appreciate a festive atmosphere, we should be focused on the nursery. We don’t have a crib, clothes, or any of the items we need for a newborn.”

Exos crossed his arms. “It’s important to keep Claire happy. Plus, fae furniture is just fine.”

I propped my hands on my hips, catching a loose strand of tinsel in my fingers. I looped it around my throat like a necklace. “We have nine months before we have to worry about any of that, so will you all just simmer down and let me celebrate the holidays?”

My guys all took on various expressions of shock. Sol went pale. Vox’s mouth parted. Exos and Cyrus shared a long look, and Titus tightened his jaw.

My fire mate nudged the Healer forward. “You’d better have her sit down,” he said, his voice coming out strained. “I think there’s a human-slash-fae difference we all forgot to consider.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Like what?”

The Healer released a nervous laugh as she took my hand and guided me into the living room. She paused, staring at the array of festive pillows shaped like Christmas ornaments before managing to clear a space for us both to sit down.

She waited until I was fully seated and all my guys had followed us into the room before she spoke. “It seems there is a key detail your mates may have failed to mention,” she said, her tone scolding as she glanced at the male fae.

Cyrus folded his arms. “She’s a Halfling, but she’s also a queen and a goddess of the elements. Informing her of all the possibilities seems presumptuous on our parts.”

I glared at him. “Presumptuous?” I turned back to the Healer. “What is it that you’re trying to tell me? Is there a huge difference between fae and human pregnancies?”

The Healer gave me a weak smile as she patted my hand. “You’re exhibiting all the signs of a typical fae pregnancy. There are three phases. The first is incubation, which happens while asleep. From Titus’s testimony, you’ve already surpassed that during your three days of rest, although usually it’s only twenty-four hours—”

“Three days?” I repeated. “I’ve been asleep for three days? When was somebody going to tell me that?”

Cyrus gave me a sympathetic smile. “We thought it best for Titus to be there when you woke up. It’s normal, I assure you.” He gave the Healer a nod. “Please, continue.”

She cleared her throat. “Right, well, the next phase is nesting, which I would say by all the, uh, decorations, you’ve officially started.” She turned my hand over. “May I?”

I swallowed past the lump in my throat before I nodded my permission.

She ran her palm over mine, sending a pleasant silver glow into the room. I sensed spirit magic working over me, although it felt more distant than usual. She hummed with thought, then ran her glowing hand up my arm and down over my stomach. She smiled. “Yes, you’re progressing nicely.”

The tension in the room eased. “So… I’m still pregnant?”

Yes, little queen, Cyrus murmured into my thoughts. Definitely pregnant.

The Healer laughed. “Yes, dear, and you have a healthy fae child blossoming in your womb. If no one has said it yet, congratulations.”

I swayed against the wave of relief that swept over me.

I was definitely pregnant.

With Cyrus’s child.

And the baby is okay.

The solace that swept through me was strong enough to make me feel giddy. “So, I’m in the second phase?” I asked, my voice wavering. I needed something practical to hold on to right now before I turned into an emotional puddle on the floor. “I’m, uh, nesting?”

She smiled and nodded. “Yes. You’re pr

eparing for your child to be born, and that means creating an environment your instincts find conducive to a relaxed and joyful ambience.”

A strong gust of wind swept through the room, a testimony to Vox’s stress levels. He batted at the retaliating hanging decorations while Sol pulled out a strand of fae cherry puffs from his bag and started eating them off the string.