“When I find something, I’ll start one,” I replied flatly as I followed Claire and tried to think of something else she could stomach.

“WHERE ARE YOU?” Titus called, his voice drifting into the bedroom.

I leaned against Vox for support while I held a washcloth to my mouth. I didn’t like my mates seeing me in this state, but each of them had proved that they were going to be there for me through all of it.

If the last few days hadn’t run them off, then I was pretty sure nothing would.

“We’re in here,” Vox replied, his words carrying on the wind as he brushed hair from my sweat-dampened face. “Do you feel any better?” he asked, lowering his voice. His fingers continued to stroke my temple in calming circles, easing my constant sense of nausea.

“Some,” I said, although I definitely didn’t feel my best. Hunger constantly gnawed at me, but I couldn’t stomach any of this fae food. I didn’t want to admit to my guys that it might be a cultural thing. I’d lived here for years, but my instincts craved food from home, like caramel-coated popcorn and salted meats. My mouth watered just thinking of it, and Vox misunderstood the gro

an that came from my mouth.

“What hurts?” he asked, running his hands over me. “Should I fetch the Healer?”

I grabbed his hands and kissed his fingertips. “Vox, I’m fine. I’m just hungry, but I’ll survive.”

Titus poked his head into the bathroom. “Hey, nobody invited me to the bathroom party.” His eyes swept over my body, taking in my thin gown that did little to hide my curves or my breasts. His gaze lingered on the latter, appreciating how my nipples protested against the cool breeze he’d let into the warm room.

“I thought you were busy with Lance,” Vox said, his voice holding a note of irritation. Although, I had a feeling he was just angry at himself for failing to find me something to eat.

“He’s showing our parents the Fire Quad and his newly amassed row of Powerless Champion trophies,” Titus said, poorly hiding his displeasure at his younger brother’s success. The two of them were always at odds. It didn’t help that their parents clearly favored Lance and frequently commented on his ability to control his powers, thereby alluding to the one time Titus hadn’t.

Anyone else would have been miserable over the constant reminders of his failures.

But not Titus.

He had accepted his past a long time ago—before we’d even met—and lived his life the way he wanted to, without a care in the world as to what his parents thought of him.

I loved him for it. I also understood it because I, too, had once hurt those I cared about through an unexpected blast of power.

Titus slipped into the room and wrapped his arms around my torso, running his fingers over my enlarged belly, choosing to focus on me instead of his family quarrels. “How are you feeling today, Claire?”

“She’s weakened,” Vox snapped, not giving me a chance to respond. “If you’re done prancing around campus, why don’t you help me find her something to eat?”

“Don’t fight,” I sighed, glaring at him as I untangled myself from their wandering hands. “I’m just going to take a nap.”

“A nap?” Titus repeated. “You can’t take a nap.”

“Why not?” I asked, my brow furrowing.

They both stared at me for a moment. “You don’t remember?” Titus finally questioned.

“The meeting you had scheduled with the Hell Fae before the final vote?” Vox supplied when I blinked up at both of them, confused.

I tilted my head. “Meeting? That wasn’t until the end of the week, right?”

Titus and Vox shared a look before my Fire Fae replied, his words patient and slow. “It is the end of the week, Claire.”


Cursing, I jerked open one of the drawers and pulled out a hairbrush, then ripped it through my strands. As if the physical state of my pregnancy wasn’t bad enough, these damn memory gaps were going to be the death of me. “Well, that’s okay. I’ll just get myself together and…” I trailed off, searching for my toothbrush. Definitely going to need that.

“Are you sure you’re up for this?” Vox asked, his tone concerned. “We could reschedule.”

“Nope.” I yanked the hairbrush through an unruly patch of my hair, then tossed it onto the counter and started brushing my teeth.

Both of my mates watched me with unease, waiting for me to finish my rapid brushing.