He glanced at me, his shock written in the lifting of his eyebrows. “You think I can help her?”

“I think you might be one of the only ones who can, Mortus.” I paused on the precipice of the quad, admiring the joyous chaos unfolding among the fae with their savior, Claire, at the center. Cyrus, Sol, Titus, and Vox stood around her like warriors protecting their queen. But Claire wouldn’t be deterred, her magic spreading among the masses to offer healing and acceptance to everyone around her.

Just like the queen I knew her to be.

“Why?” Mortus asked, drawing me back to our conversation—one I was ready to end in favor of embracing my mate. “Why do you think I can help her?”

“Because of the bond,” I replied. “I can see your spirits, Mortus. They’re linked in a fractured way, suggesting that not only can you assist her in healing but she can also return the favor and mend you. If you allow it.”

“If she allows it,” he returned.

I hid my smile. “Yes, I imagine she’ll be quite stubborn.” Like mother, like daughter. “Hence, it’s a fitting punishment, don’t you think?” Winking at him, I took my leave with a casual, “I couldn’t go too easy on you, old man,” tossed over my shoulder. “May the fates be with you.” Because he was going to need all the luck he could get.

The circle parted for me as I approached Claire and the pink butterflies swarming around her. One kissed my cheek, earning me a flirty little smirk from the queen in the center.

I hauled her into my arms, reveling in the spirit energy overflowing from her center, and kissed her hard for all to see. She giggled against me, her arms winding around my neck. Arrogant king, she accused.

Glorious queen, I whispered back at her, nipping her lower lip. Have I told you today that I love you?

Only once.

I smiled against her mouth. I love you, my Claire.

I love you, too.

Thank you for being the queen we all need, I added, pressing my forehead to hers. “Goddess Claire.”

“Our future Water Queen,” Cyrus said, adding his own flavor to the mix.

“With air royalty flowing all around her,” Vox mused, his breeze kissing her cheek.

Titus pressed a palm to her lower back. “And a fire that burns brighter than the sun.”

“All that’s missing now is earth,” I said, glancing at the giant beside us.

He wrapped his hand around Claire’s neck, his earthy gaze flaring with intent. “Not for much longer.”

She smiled up at him, the sun in her blue eyes. “Not for much longer,” she repeated, accepting his mouth against hers as a binding promise.

And stirring more of those beautiful butterflies all over the quad.

We won,

I thought, taking in the light glistening on the horizon. And today is a new day to shine.

Part V

“In the aftermath of destruction, new life breathes restoration and hope into the most compelling of futures. And I couldn’t be more proud.”



“I, Claire, accept the power that binds me to Sol, born of Earth,” I said, holding my intended’s gaze. “To cherish and respect, through all the eras and time that may fall before us, until our souls do us part.”

His smile grew with each word, the World Tree beside us seeming to hum its approval.

Sol pressed my hand to the base of our tree, the roots thriving with my mate’s power. The influx made me suck in a breath as raw life surged through my veins.