I sighed. He was right, of course. Most mornings she woke up screaming. Once she remembered her location and everything that had happened, she was usually fine. But some days, she walked around with a distant glow in her eyes, one that reminded me very much of death.

“Mortus has agreed to remain as well, to continue trying to heal her,” Exos added.

“Because that’s going splendidly,” I muttered.

Allegedly, they were archrivals in school, something being forced to bond only made worse. Because the link still remained, awaiting their true consummation. For years it was believed she’d died and Mortus had just chosen not to take another mate. Apparently, it was all a charade, because the Spirit Fae couldn’t bond with anyone else while my mother still lived.

They were forever engaged.

Mortus seemed to be more accepting and apologetic than my mother.

At least at first.

But a few words from her, and his ire spiked, creating this strange energy between them that left me decidedly uncomfortable.

“They’ll work it out,” Exos mused. “I have faith in that.”

“Glad you do, because I think they’re going to end up killing each other.” When my mate informed me of his decision to pair Mortus with my mother for her recovery, I feared it would do more damage than good. But the only time she really seemed to come alive was when she bickered with him over old wounds from two decades ago. “They fight like teenagers.”

Exos chuckled. “Reminds me a bit of Titus and Cyrus. All that tension and animosity. I do wonder what will come of it.”

“We both know how I intend to resolve that problem,” my water mate informed us from behind me. I hadn’t sensed his approach, too wrapped up in Exos’s aura. But I sighed as Cyrus pressed his chest to my back, his lips against the top of my head. “Mind if I steal our little queen for a moment? We have state business to discuss.”

“Ah, the coronation.” Exos waggled his brows. “I did catch on to your father’s impatience this morning. Best not to leave the old man waiting much longer, brother.”

Cyrus buried his face in my hair while murmuring his agreement, his arm sliding around my middle as Exos took my mouth in a kiss underlined in promise. The heat from them both kick-started my heart, reminding me of the night the three of us shared together what felt like too long ago.

I wanted to experience that again.

To revel in them both.

To lose myself to their touch.

Soon, little queen, Cyrus promised, his warm exhale sliding over the back of my neck and Exos’s hand. Soon.

Now works for me, I replied, my tongue eagerly engaging in the sensuous battle Exos had just initiated. He meant to tease. Well, I happily returned the favor, arching into his groin and moaning as he deepened our embrace.

He grinned against my mouth. “Playful little minx,” he whispered, then spun me into his brother’s waiting arms. “Try to keep her warmed up for me, Cyrus. I’d like to continue that when you’re done.”

My water mate spread a possessive palm against my lower back while his opposite hand gripped the back of my neck, just like his brother’s had. “She’ll be ready,” he promised, his lips gently claiming mine. Mmm, we need to talk about the coronation. But kissing you is far more enticing.

His tongue engaged mine in a slow, sensual dance that stirred butterflies in my lower abdomen. When Cyrus kissed me like this, I felt fragile, worshiped, and very much his. Mist spun around us, our element playing in time with our mouths. It left me feeling giddy, eliciting a giggle from within that he swallowed with a groan.

How are you so perfect? he marveled, his hands falling to my hips to lift me in the air.

I wove my legs around his waist, my arms encircling his neck. The elements made me this way, I teased. And I remember a time when you didn’t think I was all that perfect.

He nipped my lower lip in reprimand. Nonsense. I adored you from the beginning.


You were my stubborn little queen then, just as you are now. He took a few steps, halting when my back hit the trunk of a tree. It provided him with the leverage he needed to hold me between his body and the earth behind me.

I groaned as he pressed his growing arousal into the pillow between my thighs, making me wish I’d chosen a skirt today instead of pants. Or perhaps it was better this way. Cyrus and I couldn’t be trusted in this state, too consumed with devouring each other to care about propriety.

With the Academy no longer in session, my father wants to do the coronation next week, he whispered into my thoughts. He states that I can no longer use your studies as an excuse to delay.

Okay, I replied, sucking on his tongue and threading my fingers through his thick hair. Just tell me what to wear.